Lipari, Salina, Filicudi, Alicudi, Vulcano, Stromboli and Panarea

Aeolian Genealogy

 Aeolian Proverbs

Some are in Italian, others in dialect.
Send in your favourite Italian proverbs so they can be added to the growing list!

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Italian English
Tale mamma tale figghia Like mother like daughter
Iettare l'acqua u ventu Lit. To throw water in the wind.  (To be a squanderer, especially in spending money)
Cu scecchi caccia e fimmini cridi, faccia di paradisu nun ni vidi He who tries to chase away donkeys and believes in women, will not see heaven
U saccu vuotu nun pò stari (non staccia) a dritta An empty sack will stay upright
Pani e vinu rinforza a schina Bread and wine reinforces the body
Pi fari 'me-e' a pecura pirdu' u muzzicunu To go 'baa' the sheep lost a bite

U rispettu e musuratu, e cu porta l'avi purtatu

Respect is returned in equal measure as is it given.  To receive respect one must first give it
U munzungnaru chianci u chiu forti The liar/hypocrite cries the loudest/makes the most fuss

Pignata vuardata nun vuddi mai

A watched pot never boils
U travagghiu d'autru nun si senti One doesn't feel the work of others

Chiddu chi c'e` 'nta pignata u sapi sula a cucchiara ca rimina

The ingredients in the pot are only known by the spoon that stirs them
Di cui sunu i figghi, si annaca Look after your own children

U pisci fete da testa

The fish smells from the head

'un affidari a pecura a u lupu

Don't put a sheep in the care of a wolf

cu pratica cu zuoppu, zuppia

If you hang around with the lame, you will learn to limp
'a vecchia avia cent'anni e ancora si imparava The old lady was 100 and she was still learning

Trovare u pilu 'nta l'uovu

To find a hair in the egg (to find fault)

Carni cotta e pisci crudu

Meat is to be cooked well done and fish is better eaten uncooked




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