About Barbara

Family Portrait

This page was updated June, 2001

Here I'll try to tell you a little bit about myself, hopefully without going into too many boring details :-)

I was born in California, in September of '62, where I lived until I was 11. At the age of 11 my family moved to the Netherlands where I remained until I was 22. (My mother is Dutch and my father is American.)

After moving back to the U.S., I met and married my wonderful husband Craig. We have two fantastic kids: Suzanne, 15, and Matthew, 11.

We've lived in numerous places throughout California, but thanks to a career move about 5 years ago we've had the opportunity to move around the country quite a bit and besides California we've also lived in Colorado, Florida, and currently Ohio.

Graphics have been my number one hobby for a few years now, but I also love photography, reading, and spending time with my family.

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