Barbara's Paint Shop Pro Scratch Pad

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This page was updated April 26, 1999

I started using Paint Shop Pro in January of 1999. It has been a lot of fun, and it really amazes me how much even a beginner can accomplish. These are some of my first creations.

Steel Plate
The steel plate with the screws was made by following a tutorial from the book "Teach Yourself Paint Shop Pro 5 in 24 Hours". An awesome book that really taught me a lot.

Easter Basket for PSPUG
The Paint Shop Pro Users Group has fun activities for members to participate in, such as this Easter Basket. We received the black and white outline and were encouraged to decorate it any way that we wanted.

I created the bubbles with a tube that I made by following a tutorial from the Hood. She has some awesome tutorials that are very easy to follow, I definitely recommend checking out her site!

Working with masks:
Created Selection from Mask Destination Photo
Finished Photo
Another great tutorial from the book "Teach Yourself PSP5 in 24 Hours". (Suzanne got a kick out of being the model for this tut, even though she thought I should make her brother sit on a cactus :-)

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