Latest Family News

August, 2002
We're still living in Ohio and we're all doing well. Suzanne starts her junior year in highschool in a few weeks and Matt moves up to 6th grade which means he gets to attend the local middle school now. We've been having a great summer: we went to visit Craig in Arizona for a few weeks while he was working in Sedona, then he came home for a few weeks over 4th of July. Now Craig's working in St. Louis and the kids and I are just relaxing a bit before school starts.

January, 2002
We just got back from our trip to Holland. We had a gorgeous "vacation bungalow" that was actually larger than the house we normally live in. My mom stayed with us the entire time and my brother visited a few days over Christmas. It's absolutely beautiful to see the Netherlands in winter, but I had forgotten how cold that icy wind can be! Took lots of photos of snowy windmills and really enjoyed visiting with my mom... we went to a lot of places that she hadn't seen in 20 years or more which made the trip extra special. The kids had a great time, too, and are even beginning to speak some Dutch now :-)

June, 2001
As you can tell I haven't been working on the site much over the past year. Too many hobbies and not enough time! We're still in southern Ohio and are really enjoying it. The kids are both back in public school and are doing really well. Suzanne just finished her first year of highschool and of course she made the Honor Roll :-) Matt will be going to 5th grade this fall and made it through the year with flying colors.... but of course he still "hates" homework *G*. We've made a few trips to California over the past year and are getting ready to go again to attend Craig's Mom's wedding, but to the Dutch relatives, I **promise** we'll come visit all of you next!

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