Hello to all!  I am Amusing Althea of Maggie's Song, better known as Althea, Iki, the little one, Chiquitita, and a thousand other names mom calls me.  I was born on November 28, 1996, and I am the proud first-born of my parents, Rufus and Honey.  I love to talk, bark and aroooo…, and dig big holes in mom's favorite flowerbeds.
This is the day I was born.  What a small and fragile little black thing I was!  Momma Honey took perfect care of me, while mom Margarita kept an eye on us.  She even asked for the day off at work to be with me at such an important moment.
Here I am with a little bit more of fur on me.  I loved to chew on my dumbbell and still do.  Momma Honey is no longer happy to accept my little needly teeth but this stuff is good as well.
Now AM I furry!  And I am also trying my blue contacts on!  Will I look good in blue eyes?  The flashy camera blinds the hell out of me!
Well, what do you know!  They caught me in one of my garden mud raids.  And I had only dug 5 holes!  Will I turn into a mud-beard girl?
Sometimes I just lie in the dark, eyes aglowing with scheming little plans to enjoy myself.  No wonder mom calls me her Little Devil.
I have been unfairly imprisoned.  Those mud raids are not crime enough!  Anyway, mom tries to keep me out of the laundry area. I wonder why she gets so upset when I tear down all the neatly washed laundry?
As you see, I am the baby of the house.  Now please come visit the other members of our family, and meet our relatives and friends.
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