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Trujillo is one of the main coastal cities in northern Peru and it has many, many colonial houses, with beautiful patios like the one here.
Chanchan is one of our pre-inca treasures, at a very short distance from Trujillo.  It is a citadel made of clay and sand, and it seems to have been an adoration center for the ancient Peruvians.
This is the colonial convent of Santa Catalina in Arequipa, in southern Peru.  You can stroll down the dreamy alleys and passages on a sunny afternoon and fill your spirit with peace and quietness.
Another view of Santa Catalina, showing off the collection of colorful geraniums.
Leaving back the city, you start to climb up the Arequipa highlands.  It is a magical, dry and quiet landscape.
Except when a busy group of llamas walks by!  They are always curious of visitors.
Flight of the Condor.  The Arequipa highlands is also the home of the Condor.  You have to be an early riser to watch them come out of their nests in the sharp cliffs to soar the skies in a magnificent display
of grace and skills.
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