UK Flag June 1997.


Matthew's toys We bought a camcorder to record how Matthew changes over the next months and years. He has already grown up so much, and I'm forgetting how he was as a newborn. He managed to hold one of his 'Winnie the Pooh' cubes above his head, it is wonderful to see his strength and co-ordination maturing so quickly. He had his second DTP immunisation, and cried a bit whilst it was being done, but soon picked up once it was over. Again, luckily he had no side effects from this jab, except a small red mark at the site which lasted about two weeks.

The breastfeeding, using the supplimenter, has been working well for the last six weeks. Matthew loves to breastfeed and doesn't miss his bottles. We have settled into a great routine and he latches on very easily: the only problem is that my milk supply seems to have plateaued. Initially I was able to reduce the amount of formula milk he was taking by about half... and I now think he is getting about 50% breastmilk, but I am begining to have to increase the amount of formula in the suplimenter, as his appetite is increasing. In order to try to increase MY milk instead, I am going to have to work hard... and just put him to the breast as often as I can. My stratagy to rebuild my milk supply is to cut out one feed at a time, reducing it by one ounze a day, starting with the feed when Matthew is currently most satisifed. I managed to cut out his "breakfast2" feed quite easily, and he remains settled: my next target is his "early evening" feed. I took Matthew along to another breastfeeding workshop as a demonstrator. There were two other babies from our antenatal group going too, and we all met up before hand which was really nice as I hadn't seen one of the other babies since April.

Matthew has begun to laugh. At first it was only when I played peek-a-boo and tickle games after changing him, but soon became more often. I also took Matthew swimming for the first time at a parent and baby session. He seemed to enjoy it but had a very serious face throughout. We stayed about half an hour, and Matthew was asleep before I had even got him dressed! He is also getting stronger on his feet and enjoys standing up holding onto our hands.

Matthew is beginging to get the hang of being left: he was very good today during the baby massage group, whilst we were doing our exercises. He likes the massage, but is not as thrilled as I had hoped. He seems to be the active type rather than enjoying relaxing! We have been visiting various nurseries too, because I will be returning to work in September, and Matthew seemed to be content to be left with the other babies whilst I looked around. After phoning around fifteen nurseries, I arranged to visit 7 which would have places for him and were close to where I work. After the initial visit I had a clear shortlist of three which we visited a second time with Karl. We then agreed to sign Matthew up to join one that we both liked. The things I particularly liked about this nursery were the large room which will be used by the under two's; the ideas of the manager on providing stimulus for young babies; and the relaxed atmosphere where I felt I would be welcomed alongside Matthew. Christening It is also used in the training of nursery nurses, which means there are extra helping hands as well as the required numbers of qualified staff. Matthew will be attending full time from September, which will be the first time that they have accepted children 6months - 2years, and Matthew is the first baby on their register!

We end the month with Matthew's Christening. He wore a gown which has been in our family for at least 4 generations. It is silk with a lace overdress, and I was so worried about letting Matthew anywhere near something so delicate, but he behaved beautifully (and wasn't sick once). He fell asleep just before the ceremony and was awoken by the water, in the vicar's arms, so he cried, but he enjoyed the rest of the day socialising with all the new members of his family. He managed another milstone over the weekend too, managing to sit up unaided for a few moments.


left arrow Matthew, May 1997 up arrow right arrow Matthew, July 1997
Amber, 2-3 months