"Best Friends"

"A friend is someone who reaches for your hand
and touches your heart!

~ Ladies of the Heart ~

I have just recently joined the most wonderful group of ladies you could possibly hope to find on the internet. "Loth" or "Ladies of the Heart" is an International group of Ladies which consists of over 6,000 ladies that come from every walk of life. These ladies represent many different nationalities, religions and creeds and they bring with them their own beliefs, ideals and issues that are near and dear to them. We have banded together as a group and have a philosophy that is inclusive and loving, ever caring, always willing to offer friendship, support and assistance to the needs of others. It is an honor and a privilege to be associated with this dedicated loving group of ladies.

If you have arrived here through a ring, welcome! Please stay and visit a while, read the Creed, visit the official pages and learn a bit more about us. If you like what you have read, I hope you will apply for a membership.

These pages are dedicated to the sisterhood of all members of the "Ladies of the Heart". I have received many beautiful gifts from members within this group and you will find them posted on a separate page, along with a link to their homepages. I have also made gifts for my sisters. Please feel free to help yourself to one or more of these gifts! Each gift is made with love and with a huge thank you for the kindness and love that you have bestowed upon me.

Loth Creed

Celebrate the human spirit. We all share that common bond, love, hope, peace and humanity. This force is probably the more compelling one on this planet because it calls to all of us no matter where we go, or who we are it is always there.

Leave everything a little better than you found it never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed.

Do not use your time, thoughts or words carelessly for these things are not retrievable. Remember to think before you speak as well as before you write.

Live with enjoyment and laughter, for these are the components of a healthy heart. Touch all those you meet with the joy of Beauty, Love, and Laughter whenever you can, and always leave them with your greatest gift, a smile.

Follow your heart and listen to your intuition. Act only in Love for your Fellow traveler, as we all could use a little extra Love each day. If you always keep Love in your heart for all, you will never be steered wrong by your intuition.

Reach out and help others, especially those who may be less fortunate than you. Whether it is the help of a smile, a kind ear and a "listen", or a shoulder to cry (or laugh) on, it is so much more rewarding to ask "How can I help you?" rather than trying to figure out "What's in this for me?"

Celebrate the differences in your fellow man. Rather than loving others for the ways in which they are just like you, love them for their variety, and the spice they add to the life we share with them. Men and women were never meant to be clones, but rather to share the earth, enriching each others lives.

Ponder more, speak less. Often one sees more of their answers when listening, rather than talking. Reserve judgments as long as you have a choice. This way, the choice is made for you from your heart. Watch, listen, and keep notes if you must, but temper your judgments only with love. When your heart speaks, listen.

Trust, and be trustworthy. Never go back on your word, and never hide your true feelings. Accept this in your friends and loved ones, as well, for we can never hope for harmony unless the truth is the center of our world. Wear a face of welcome, rather than false pride, and draw admiration honestly, the same as you admire others for their own special spirit.

Loth Candle

Loth sisters, on the 23rd of each month, light a candle at sunrise. Our candles burn bright for each other as we pray and meditate for the good of our sisters and of our world. As the day ends in the last time zone, we have been blessed with the worldwide circle of love and support from our LOTH sisterhood.

What an honor to even be considered
for this prestigious award!
Thank you Loth!!!

What a very special honor to have
received this dedication award!
Thank you Loth!!!

What a pleasure to be a "Loth Elf"
Thank you so much Loth!!!

If you would like to reach me, you can email me at:


Special Welcome to Loth Gifts

My Gifts to Ladies of the Heart

Gifts from Ladies of the Heart

Gifts from Ladies of the Heart Page 2

Gifts from Ladies of the Heart Page 3



Last updated: Thursday, September 7, 2000

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CopyrightŠ byCharo1998, 1999, 2000
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