The Family Tree!

We have a lots of wonderful ' relatives' and 'ancestors ' - even if we aren't related by blood we are all beloved members of the same family tree.

Some still share our lives and some have passed over the Rainbow Bridge
(to visit, click here) but all are equally with us in our hearts.

This is Herbie who shares a home with my brother Garry and his family back in England.

Herbie is the adventurous type and likes to disappear for days on end and send the whole family into a frenzy before strolling in and demanding attention and a huge dinner.

He often returns with a treat and has brought home everthing from rats to toads. How sweet..!

His Mum is called Polly and she is a gorgeous black and white who was expecting Herbie and his brothers and sisters when she came into their lives.

She is a beautiful girl and a great Mum who likes the quiet life.

This is Mindy who lives in South Africa.
I lived and worked there for three years and she came into my life when my friend Frances transferred to an island in the Indian Ocean and couldn't take her.
Far more human than most people, Mindy could open doors and read minds and she soon became one of the loves of my life.
She still lives there and is well and happy!

There are many, many more additions yet to come...

Totey...who was a pure black Scottish lassie...
Tibby...a ginger Tom who lived in England and liked to sleep under the stove...
Lizzy...a little calico stray who couldn't stay with us long but enriched our lives...
Susie...with the biggest heart and sweetest nature who was Mum to...
Binky...he of a thousand nick-names and serious tuna-breath...
Katie...little sweetie who was Binky's best friend...
Corky...who could only stay a while but was my brother's special boy...
Tigger ...Corky's brother who grew up and left home one day...
Snowy... who still has all four legs but forgets sometimes...
Mitzi...who rules the family with a rod of iron...
Mr Molly...who lives in Las Vegas and has a ritzy hair-cut...

All of these beautiful furry friends will be featured on this page

just as soon as we have their photos.

Check back with us soon..!

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