Welcome To Our Second Page!

This is how we spend our days...

Hensy likes to help Dad in the garden... And Padsy likes to eat the next door neighbour's dog bones.

Our hobbies include;

Squeezing into small places

Shredding the couch

Sleeping in the towel cupboard

We have lots of names ...why have just one when there are so many to choose from?!

Padsy = Chips, Bart, Padster Boy, Furry Fun-Face, Lion Boy, Crazy Horse
Hensy = Sausage, Trotsky, Wee Skinnerini, Tiger-Face, Teeny Tootie-Toes

These are a few of our favorite sites...

The Kitchin Kats! Without Daphne's help we wouldn't be here today!
Acinny's Furkids A wonderful site for animal-lovers like us.
The Animal Lover's Club Sign up now!
Lisaviolet's Cathouse Take a look around, you'll love it.

And if you need help authoring your own furry web-page... check out

An Interactive Tutorial For Beginners - it's a really useful site to get you started.

Thanks for calling in and please visit us again... As soon as Mum has got the hang of this there will be lots more to come!

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A Tribute to Padsy...

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