Morgan's Newest Feats

August is over...

Geez, has it really been 8 months said I bragged about the smartest, cutiest-patootiest baby (well, toddler, actually---sniff, sniff)??

OKAY: Morgan and Santa picture here. Use the back button on your browser so I don't have to code a back link--Hey, it may sound lazy, but you need to appreciate that I spend my labor day weekend actually working and then spending my free time scanning and uploading pix of Miss Morgan.

Miss Morgan is potty trained with the occasional accident, especially when we spend all day in the car (like today.) She sings twinkle-twinkle little star, happy birthday, itsy-bitsy spider and random words to most other songs. She loves the Powerpuff Girls and Bear in the Big Blue House (her birthday party theme). She has been know to enjoy blues clues, though I don't know where she watches that show. Finally she got hair and it's sooo curly.

June is long gone...

Morgan's birthday. The big 2!! The dreaded terrible I-have-a-voice-of-my-own-and-I-use-its-highest-setting-at-the-most-inconvenient-times-possible two. The I'm so cute I talk and I'm starting to be potty trained, I'm such a big girl two! Here are the professional pix: here. The snapshots will follow after more scanning sessions. Please sign my guestbook to tell me you have seen these new pix so I will be movitated to continue to scan. :)


Morgan's such a chatterbox and sometimes we understand a word or two. She loves bathtime. Recently she started bringing me a diaper or the whole diaper bag when she needs to be changed. She loves to go anywhere, so she happily puts her coat on. Whenever she gets her hands on a wipe or a papertowel, she cleans the entire living room. Don't know where she learned that one, because we don't dust. Well, now we don't need to.

Having mastered pointing out her own body parts, she now points to my eye and says Eye, eye, eye, eye. Then my nose no, no, no, no. She likes to point to my eeth, too. What's this? is her favorite phrase, What's that? is a close second. She's even used mine once already (help me when the twos are acutally here!) and now says my shoes. Finally she says Please! but I think she thinks it's the word for toothbrush. The only time she used it was when asking for her toothbrush.


She loves other babies and the "baby" on the wall. I don't think she realizes all the pictures are of her! Still happy, still healthly, still one big bundle of energy... Well, since I haven't the time to devote to keeping my dinosaur up and running, there is no way for me to scan all the new pictures and the Christmas pictures. Plus the busy lifestyle, the holiday preparations and travel...

Christmas is mostly on video, with Morgan proclaiming "Oh, wow" to each gift. She did get many. She got to visit all of Mommy's relatives this year. We open presents on Christmas eve, then Santa came so Christmas day came with MORE presents to open.

The plane rides went pretty good considering the energy 18 month olds tend to have. Then for New Years we visited grandmas and grandpa which meant even more presents! Not spoiled at all.

She still loves to imitate whatever mom is doing when not occupied by her new toys. I can't think of any other instances because she's usually grabbing something (pens, paper, checkbook) out of my hands to take over, but the other day she did a cute imititation. Weeks ago I stood on the couch, hammering nails and hanging the many pictures we have of her on the wall. Just the other day, Morgan, who seems to never forget a thing, was playing with her tool kit, took her little hammer and stood on the couch, pretended to hammer the wall.

I do remember another "funny" thing she did. My family is obsessed with Nascar and racing. I found some chocolate Nascar "cars" for Christmas for my grandma. I was busy and Morgan was playing quietly, when I noticed she had found my Christmas stash, pulled out her presents and the chocolates. She managed to open the box, pull out the plastic and unwrap every single car, taking a bite out of each. She got mad when I took all but one away. I explained that she still had one left. They were big pieces of chocolate! Well, my grandma didn't get chocolate cars, just a good laugh out of it.

Hopefully 2001 will bring me scanning capabilities and a little time to write more of Morgan's doings here.
Current words: toys, no, more, juice, cookie, birthday, new shoes, nose, eye, bubble, ut-oh, oh wow (there are more I can't think of)
Favorite pasttimes: bath, legos, anything with wheels, getting new shoes
Known body parts: nose, belly, foot, toes, hands, hair, eyes, ears, fingers, mouth, teeth
Cutest behaviours: blowing kisses, dancing, singing, twirling, laughing at everything



Tooth # 12 came in with a vengance today. Morgan had a fever of 103, so no daycare. I took her to work and she was a big hit, and a big angel, much to my surprise. She refused to eat or drink much. Turned down yougurt, fries and cookies, but her face lit up when she saw the yellow McDonalds cheeseburger wrapper. How could I have given birth to such a carnivore? As long as she's healthy and happy... and she is both!


I had the brilliant idea to let Morgan sit on her potty the other day. She sat for a minute, then would stand up. After sitting her back down three times, I let her be. She got up, walked to the bath tub and made a puddle on the floor within seconds. I held back my laughter...


AS if being a working mom wasn't enough stress, we decided to move due to visibly growing mold in our apartment after the August pipe bursting incident, two days before my big interview. I spend days cleaning and wet vacing. They refused to replace the carpet, so we refused to live there. We moved all the way across the street since we are still a one-car family. It's cheaper and nicer (especailly the neighbors!)



Morgan went trick or treating, although she had no idea why until the person opening the door gave her candy!! She got 5 bite size candy bars. That was it. We went home and she gave Mom and Dad a candy bar and ate 3 all by herself. I got one cute picture of her in her dalmation outfit that Ulibee gave her and a few in the Pooh outfit I got her. still coming....


Okay, so the entire MONTH of September really flew by. Morgan got two of the BIG teeth and is now working on some more. Teething has been continuous it seems.


We went to see Michele & Derek. At the restaurant Morgan was so good. She fed herself applesauce with a big spoon and sat in her high chair the entire time. A few people complimented me about having such a good baby, the waiter even gave her some play beads to wear. This is a phase I think I like.


This was a fun weekend! We went to a greek restuarant, but Morgan was too sugared up before hand with grandma's yummy cookies. Grandma Ruth and Grandma Vicki came for a visit. I guess mom will have to say no next time!!! We played at the cool park by the fire station, Morgan went down the little side all by herself and the bigger slide even! She was a little monkey all over the big toy. She also kicked the ball around until she got tuckered out.


We went to see everybody, Granpa Ron, Grandma Carol, Auntie Angie, Grandma Ruth and Grandma Vicki. We also went the the fair. Very cool, but will be much more fun when Morgan gets bigger.

Morgan's One Year Pix
Morgan in August
Morgan in July
Morgan in June--First Birthday
Morgan in June--the end of June
Morgan in March and April and May
Morgan in January and February
Some of Morgan's Firsts
Morgan's Christmas Pictures
Morgan's Easter Pictures
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