Medical Page

The Bloat Book

Put  together by Great  Dane  health and welfare,  this  page is a must read for every Irish Wolfhound  owner!! If you have  never  experienced  or are unfamiliar with the warning signs of bloat, print the warning signs  on this  page and post  them on your  refrigerator...they could save your best friends life.

First Aid Kit

On  this page is a list of items for a very useful first aid kit and a list of first aid procedures.

Portosystemic  Shunt in the Irish Wolfhound

This  page contains a  very comprehensive  explanation of PSS, and  the  research and testing  that is being done to erradicate this condition.

The Irish Wolfhound  Seizure Study

This link will take  you to the  information site for the  research currently  underway at  the University of Pennsylvania.


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