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Does DB Sweeney run this site?
No, DB does not run this site. It is run by a long time fan of DB Sweeney, and I aim to create a solid, gossip-free place for fans and newcomers to find accurate information on DB's work.

Any emails sent to me for DB will not be forwarded to him, sorry.

Does DB Sweeney know about the website?
Yes he does! I first received contact from DB about 6 months after creation in 1998, and he has updated me on his work as often as he can ever since. I am very grateful and flattered that DB chooses to keep his fans updated, and to be privy to information which would otherwise be difficult to find out.

How can I write to DB?
You can write to DB via his agency. The address can be found on the contact page.

Can I have DB's email address?
Yeah sure you can, it's... like I'm going to tell you?! I get a number of people asking for this information, and there is not a chance in hell I'm ever giving it out!! It is a privilege to receive emails from DB Sweeney and in no way will I exploit that privilege.

What is DB doing at the moment?
If I know what work DB is doing at the moment, I will endeavour to include it on the news section of the site. Failing that, you can check if there any films or TV work upcoming.

Do you know where I can find copies of Strange Luck?
I frequently get emails on this subject. Unfortunately copies of Strange Luck seem to be thin on the ground. Posting messages on the forum could bring you luck, otherwise you could try online auction sites such as Ebay or Amazon Zshops.

Do you know where I can find copies of Harsh Realm?
Yes! Harsh Realm will be relased on Region 2 DVD in July 2004, and on Region 1 DVD in August 2004.

Where can I find a copy of x film, or x poster?
Again, I often get emails on the subject. If I can find some solid links for specific films, I intend to add a section to the site for requests such as these. Otherwise, you can use the methods used as in the above question, or you could run searches on Google etc which could prove helpful.

Site created June 1998 © Hannah S