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Colin Speaks on Love

First Time for Everything

I think the difference betwen me and other people is that most people are "searching for love," whereas I think I am searching for "the ability to love." It is okay to be confused about what love is. How are you supposed to know what a certain feeling is if you have never felt it before? I'm nineteen and I have yet to be "in love" with anyone. I can't even say that I know what love is!

I can say that I have loved someone, but in my mind there is a difference between "loving" someone and "being in love" with somone. I already have a difficult time expressing my feelings. I am in no hurry to profess my love to somone whom I may later find out I don't love. There is a pleasant mystery to looking forward to finding that person who is going to challenge and complete me in every way.

It is important not to rush any stage of your life. Enjoy the present, enjoy the mystery involved in waiting to experience your "firsts." Enjoy the questions and confusion. In other words, enjoy your innocence because when it's gone you will long for it. And remember that you are not alone: I'm nineteen and I still have no idea what love is!

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