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Colin Speaks on Love

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It is extremely hard to put yourself out on the line and ask someone out. I still have trouble with this one. I just don't like making myself susceptible to being rejected. My dad once told me that it took him until his thirties to be able to approach a woman he wanted to ask out and "not care" whether he was rejected or not. I try to remind myself that it is always better to know if somone feels the same way than to be left in the dark. If it turns out the person is not interested in you, be easy on yourself and understand that it may be that the two of you were not meant for each other. Not all people are meant to be together.

If you like somebody, make sure you like them for the right reasons. We all search for somebody who is going to make us more secure and help us grow as a person in many ways. Your partner should not be there to pick up the slack were you are weak, but to help you to become strong in those areas. He or she should help you to grow, not mask your insecurities.

When Friends Become More


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