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Colin Speaks on Love

When Friends Become More

I, as well as friends of mine, have developed crushes on good friends. Keep in mind that friends are extremely precious and you should always be mindful of their feelings. If you develop feelings for a friend of yours, let him or her know. Much like asking somebody out, you will never know if mutual feeligns exist unless you put your feelings out there.

If you find yourself on the other side of this potentially awkward scenario, be honest and be considerate. If your feelings are not as strong as your friend's, let him or her down easily. Be sensitive--in all likelihood, your friend has had these feelings bottled up for a long time.

I had a huge crush on one of my friends in high school. She didn't feel the same way and instead of letting me know she wasn't interested, she avoided the issue. Unfotunately, this bred a lingering feeling of "possibility" in my mind. It would have hurt a lot less if she had been forthright, honest and sensitive.

Sometimes you can get involved with a friend only to have the relationship not work out. Things can go back to the way they were before you two became involved. I have become involved with friends of mine in the past and even though the relationship didn't work out, we were able to go back to our close friendship. We just realized we weren't right for each other and we were better off as friends. We remain close to this day.

Unrequited Love


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