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Colin Speaks on the Real World

Teck: Colin and Amaya, that was great. They were a great water-cooler topic at the house. I don't know if they ever really broke up, since they were sharing a room for the last few weeks. Think about it: those lonely nights and lonely mornings and all those lonely moments in between. If Colin is anything like me, once you hit it, you can always hit it again.

Kaia: Amaya and Colin were very far removed from me. I didn't interact with them. It turned me off initially that they paired up immediately. I was more interested on focusing on people who were more willing to connect.

Ruthie: Amaya picked Colin the instant she saw him. You could see it in her eyes: "He's mine." And she's a chaser. I think she's the type of girl who, when she picks a guy, she usually gets him. I think under different circumstances Colin and Amaya would have worked out. But he's young. I don't think anyone should be mad, though I do know he was hurt by her. He just won't admit it. He told us once, "We've all been used and hurt by Amaya." I was like, "We have?" It made me wonder. I was thinking, "Gee, Colin, maybe it was you who was the most hurt." Colin wants justification. The situation made him look like an assh**e, and he isn't one.

Matt: There was a time when Colin came to me and explained all his frustrations with Amaya. I understood then and there that he was done with the relationship. The next morning, he broke up with her. Then she comes to me in a dreadful state, saying her dad is ill, and she can't eat. I tried to support her. I tried to be kind. I said, "Look, maybe you guys will get back together." In retrospect, I think that may have been perceived as Colin telling me one thing and me telling Amya something else. I was doing my best to lend an ear and be supportive, but it wasn't always smoothly done.

Colin: If you think it's hard to have an intimate conversation on camera, try having one with a woman you're involved with. And kissing on camera? That wasn't easy either. It's pretty eighth-grade to kiss people in public. That's not my thing. But in front of a camera? That's a whole other story. Not only is there a camera, there's a person holding the camera, a person I sort of know. Since when did making out become a spectacle?

Remember one key phrase when talking about how my relationship with Amaya began: She slept in my bed.She went after me. At the beginning I was straight-up with her. I didn't want a serious relationship. But we started something anyway. It was really against my better judgement. Although the cameras add a crazy element to the relationship, they were not my issue. I was just an "Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into?" type of thing. All of a sudden, I was in a relationship, a live-in one. People don't move in together after one date, but Amaya and I, that was our situation, we were already living together in this house. And that seriously hindered our relationship.

Aside from that, when we were in front of the roommates, our interaction sucked.

Amaya's more dependent than I am. She needed me to talk her through stuff--serious stuff. For instance, there were definately times when she didn't want to stay in the house. I didn't want her to leave, but at the same time I felt responsible for her happiness in the house. I didn't like that. I felt guilty all the time. She would get pretty dramatic, pretty freaky over petty stuff, and I realized if she kept acting like this, my time in Hawaii would be ruined. That's when I knew the only thing we could be was friends.




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