The Merrimac monitor

Special edition

The history of Vulcan Part one


1. Approximately 3 million years after the initial formation of the universe:

a. Vulcan's 3 primary suns form - 2 white dwarfs and 1 red giant.

b. 5 Planets are formed of the remaining gases:

i.  2 nickel iron inner planets

ii. 3 outer gas giants

iii.  1 double planet, Vulcan and it's "sister" planet - T'Khut

c. This star system will eventually come to be known as 40-Eridani.

2. During the next 1 million years:

a. Primordial chemicals have formed into RNA and DNA.

b. The random strands of RNA and DNA have melded to form primitive life forms such as algae and plankton.

c. Life progresses from simple plants to complex animal forms.  Copper is in abundance on Vulcan and both vulcanoheme (in animals) and cuproplast (in plants) have base atoms of copper. 

3. During the next 1 million years:

a. Vulcan is a lush paradise.   Whole continents are covered with forests; trees often grow up to 1000 feet highs.  The Oceans are filled with weeds as tall as the tallest trees.  Fresh food and water are in abundance; the ground itself is covered with soft, cushiony places to sleep on.

b. Vulcanoid life has begun to form a crude intelligence.  There is no speech developed yet, however, crude telepathic communication is common. 

c. Mount Seleya and its surrounding desert have been formed. A primitive Vulcan who eventually names himself the "Wanderer" finally discovers them.  It is the Wanderer who eventually begins to develop early Vulcan speech.   

d. Crude instruments, such as bowls and knives, are invented.

e. Civilization begins to form.

f. 40 Eri A has a violent period of solar flares and grows approximately 10% in size.  Whole continents go up in flames.  Most life on Vulcan dies.  In one step Vulcan goes from tropical paradise to parched, burned out desert.

g. The remaining life forms breed rapid mutations to adapt the harsh environment.  Life begins to spread once again across Vulcan


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