

Helen Hagemann's Poetry & Prose

Jorge Luis Borges

"I have always imagined that paradise
will be a kind of library."

Diana Hartog

"The poet is ecstatic, having dreamt of this visit for weeks.
He takes Erato's face, dribbling and wild, between his hands
and kisses her gently as if she were a runaway teenager."


2008 VARUNA New Poets to launch their first collections during the 2009 Sydney Writers Festival

As part of SWF 2009, Varuna Writers Centre has invited the Varuna Longlines Poets to their regional festival 17-19 May. The four poets, Helen Hagemann, Andrew Slattery, Ali Cobby Eckermann & Kimberley Mann will have their books launched in the newly renovated Gearin Hotel in Katoomba. Readings and book signing, plus sales of books & panel discussions will take place in the first part of the Festival week. Helen will be launching Evangelyne & Other Poems, Andrew: Canyon, Ali: Little Bit Long Time & Kimberley: Awake During Anaesthetic. Varuna Writers House

CREATIVE WRITING at the Fremantle Arts Centre

Tweak your creative writing skills at the Fremantle Arts Centre and join an encouraging learning environment. Poetry and Prose classes are run every alternative Fridays. Conducted in association with the OOTA - Out of the Asylum Writers Group - all workshops guide writers through a broad range of literary techniques and forms. Why not bring out the writer in you! Download our 2-page brochure Creative Writing at the Centre

I now have two blogs, one for the novel "anovelist" and the other for poetry & poetics "evangelyne". Check out my narrative writing, and of course my poetry, & current theories on "The Female Voice".


Fairy Floss


At the fairgrounds, we
succumb to the fragrance
of soft cocoons of pink.
On a signboard, sun-crinkled packets
burst an arrangement of colour
like the first release of spring crocuses.
Our hands are caricatures of childhood
as we reach for our wares, old collector's
cards from tattoo stalls, fortunes told.
The expectant looks we gave
at the fairy floss stand.
Was it twopence, or two shillings
we paid at Easter for a thick swirling stick?
We confess now, we eat three packs,
leave one tri-colour tub for home. Sup like bees
in the apartments of nectar & bud.
This cotton candy - all light and sugar,
this pink homesickness;
this fairy floss
that dissolves
before taste has a chance.



  • Poetry/Prose Tutor
  • Community Poet for Schools
  • Critiquing Poetry
  • One-on-one discussion on poetry
  • Manuscript assessment
  • Poetry Editing
  • Poetry Discussion Group
  • Children's Poetry Judge
  • Poetry Judge - from Modernism to Postmodernism 
  • Poetry Book Reviews
  • Complimentary first session on any aspect of poetry

I am available six days a week.

My operating hours are:

Monday to Saturday  9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Closed all public holidays

How to contact me-
Phone on (08) 9343 0072
or Email: Helen Hagemann

or write for information to PO Box 331, WANNEROO, Western Australia 6946

Copyright 2005-2009 ? Unless for the purpose of study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without the written permission of the author.

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- Poetry - Prose - Bibliography - Biography - Reviews - Events