Virginia Frogs and Toads |
These are various Virginia frogs and toads, both of which are amphimbians. General characteristics of amphimbians include water dependency for reproduction, and soft skin with special skin glands, some of which produce toxins. Frogs and toads feature a morphology dominated by strong long back legs which aid in hoping. Tree frogs can be identified be their sticky pads on their toes, which help grip their woody substrate. |
Guy Frost Quote: "The only thing these guys have to fear is eagles and tires." |
Frogs and toads are often camouflaged. This protection can help them avoid detection for short periods of time. By the time a predator gets close enough, there has already been a splash of water, and the frog is safely underneath the water. |
Toads are only dependent on water for reproduction and thus can be found in more diversified environments during other parts of their life cycles. They can be distinguished by frogs by their warty and dry skin. |
Guy Frost Quote: "These spring peepers make loud, obtrusive, and annoying noises that keep you up while you're sleeping." |
Guy Frost Quote: "Why these guys remember being a tadpole like it was yesterday!" |
It is a genral characteristic of animals to exhibit traits of their ancestral forms in the early stages of their developement. This can be seen in these tadpoles, which clearly resemble fish in both morphology (tail fin) and anatomy (gills). |
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Other Guy Frost Pictures: |
Salamanders and Newts |
Snakes |
Birds |
Mammals |
Turtles |
Lizards |
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Music: Marriage of Figaro Overture, by W.A. Mozart |
Copyright PerroMax Film 1999. All rights reserved by PerroMax Film. |