American Shorthair



The American Shorthair is America's own breed. It's ancestors are the cats that came to North America with the early pioneers from Europe. They were first brought along to hunt rats in the ships.They eventually established themselves as the native North American shorthair cat.However the introduction of foreign breeds into the United States has to large extent began to be dilute the originality of the breed. As they originally known as the Domestic Shorthair, the name American Shorthair was chosen in 1966 to represent this " All American Cat ".


The American Shorthair comes in over eighty different colours and many patterns in between.The most common American Shorthair colour is the silver tabby with dense black markings set on a sterling silver background. This breed is considered to be truly a star in the feline world as it is has consistently been in the top ten most popular breeds of cat.


The American Shorthair is known for its longevity, robust health, good looks and quiet disposition.They not only easy going and affectionate but also lovely to look at.They would achieve full growth at approximately three to four years old.With regular annual veterinary check ups, they can live up to fifteen to twenty years.

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