The Bronson Collection

The following is a list of the film and television productions of Charles Bronson. Any links indicate works I have seen, but not all links have finished summaries. They are arranged chronologically with his most recent work first. His character name in each also appears along with alternate movie titles. Since many were meant mainly for Europe, they have the U.S title as an alternate.

The Movies of Charles Bronson

  1. Breach of Faith: Family of Cops II (1997) (TV)
  2. Family of Cops (1995) (TV) .... Paul
  3. Death Wish V: The Face of Death (1994) .... Paul Kersey
  4. Donato and Daughter (1993) (TV) .... Sgt. Mike Donato
    ... aka Dead to Rights (1993) (TV)
  5. Sea Wolf, The (1993) (TV) .... Capt. Wolf Larsen
  6. Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus (1991) (TV) .... Francis Church
  7. Indian Runner, The (1991) .... Father
  8. Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects (1989) .... Lieutenant Crowe
  9. Messenger of Death (1988) .... Garret Smith
  10. Assassination (1987) .... Jay Killion
  11. Death Wish 4: The Crackdown (1987) .... Paul Kersey
  12. Act of Vengeance (1986) (TV) .... Jock Yablonski
  13. Murphy's Law (1986) .... Jack Murphy
  14. Death Wish 3 (1985) .... Paul Kersey
  15. Evil That Men Do, The (1984) .... Holland
  16. 10 to Midnight (1983) .... Leo Kessler
  17. Death Hunt (1981) .... Albert Johnson
  18. Death Wish II (1981) .... Paul Kersey
  19. Borderline (1980) .... Jeb Maynard
  20. Caboblanco (1980) .... Giff Hoyt
  21. Love and Bullets (1979) .... Charlie Congers
  22. Raid on Entebbe (1977) (TV) .... Brigadier General Dan Shomron
  23. Telefon (1977) .... Grigori Borzov
  24. White Buffalo, The (1977) .... Wild Bill Hickok (James Otis)
    ... aka Hunt to Kill (1977)
  25. From Noon Till Three (1976) .... Graham Dorsey
  26. St. Ives (1976) .... Raymond St Ives
  27. Breakout (1975) .... Nick Colton
  28. Breakheart Pass (1975) .... John Deakin
  29. Hard Times (1975) .... Chaney
    ... aka Streetfighter, The (1975/I)
  30. Death Wish (1974) .... Paul Kersey
  31. Mr. Majestyk (1974) .... Vince Majestyk
  32. Stone Killer, The (1973) .... Detective Lieut. Lou Torrey
  33. Valdez, il mezzosangue (1973) .... Chino Valdez
    ... aka Caballos salvajes (1973) (Spanish title)
    ... aka Chino (1973)
    ... aka Valdez Horses, The (1973)
    ... aka Valdez the Halfbreed (1973)
    ... aka Wild Horses (1973)
  34. Carteggio Valachi (1972) .... Joe Valachi
    ... aka Dossier Valachi, Le (1972) (French title)
    ... aka Joe Valachi (1972)
    ... aka Segreti di Cosa Nostra, I (1972)
    ... aka Valachi Papers, The (1972)
  35. Mechanic, The (1972) .... Arthur Bishop
    ... aka Killer of Killers (1972)
  36. Soleil rouge (1971) .... Link
    ... aka Red Sun (1971)
  37. Bull of the West, The (1971) .... Ben Justin
    ... aka Hot Lead (1971)
  38. Chato's Land (1971) .... Pardon Chato
  39. De la part des copains (1971) .... Joe Martin
    ... aka Cold Sweat (1971)
  40. Someone Behind the Door (1971) .... The Stranger
    ... aka Quelqu'un derrière la porte (1971)
    ... aka Two Minds for Murder (1971)
  41. Città violenta (1970) .... Jeff
    ... aka Family, The (1970)
    ... aka Violent City (1970)
  42. You Can't Win 'Em All (1970) .... Josh Corey
    ... aka Dubious Patriots, The (1970)
    ... aka Soldiers of Fortune (1970)
  43. C'era una volta il west (1969) ....
    ... aka Once Upon a Time in the West (1969)
  44. Lola (1969) .... Scott Wardman
    ... aka Statutory Affair (1969)
    ... aka Twinky (1969)
  45. Passager de la pluie, Le (1969) .... Col. Harry Dobbs
    ... aka Rider on the Rain (1970) (English title)
  46. Adieu l'ami (1968) .... Franz Propp
    ... aka Farewell, Friend (1968)
    ... aka Honor Among Thieves (1968)
  47. Bataille de San Sebastian, La (1968) .... Teclo
    ... aka Cañones de San Sebastián, Los (1968) (Spanish title)
    ... aka Guns for San Sebastian (1968)
  48. Villa Rides (1968) .... Major Rudolfo Fierro
  49. Dirty Dozen, The (1967) .... Joseph Wladislaw
  50. Meanest Men in the West, The (1967) (TV) .... Harge Talbot Jr.
  51. This Property Is Condemned (1966) .... J.J. Nichols
  52. Sandpiper, The (1965) .... Cos Erickson
  53. Battle of the Bulge (1965) .... Major Wolenski
  54. Guns of Diablo (1964) .... Linc Murdock
  55. Four for Texas (1963) .... Matson
  56. Great Escape, The (1963) .... Danny Velinski
  57. Kid Galahad (1962) .... Lew Nyack
  58. This Rugged Land (1962) .... Paul Moreno
  59. Master of the World (1961) .... Strock
  60. Thunder of Drums, A (1961) .... Trooper Hanna
  61. X-15 (1961) .... Lieut. Col. Lee Brandon
  62. Magnificent Seven, The (1960) .... Bernardo O'Reilly
  63. Never So Few (1959) .... Sgt. John Danforth
  64. Gang War (1958) .... Alan Avery
  65. Machine Gun Kelly (1958) .... George "Machine Gun" Kelly
  66. Showdown at Boot Hill (1958) .... Luke Welsh
    ... aka Shadow of Boot Hill (1958)
  67. When Hell Broke Loose (1958) .... Steve Boland
  68. Run of the Arrow (1957) .... Blue Buffalo
    ... aka Hot Lead (1957)
  69. Big House, U.S.A. (1955) .... Benny Kelly
  70. Jubal (1955) .... Reb Haislipp
  71. Target Zero (1955) .... Vince Gaspari
  72. Vera Cruz (1954) (as Charles Buchinsky) .... Pittsburgh
  73. Crime Wave (1954) (as Charles Buchinsky) .... Ben Hastings
    ... aka City Is Dark, The (1954)
  74. Apache (1954) (as Charles Buchinsky) .... Hondo
  75. Drum Beat (1954) .... Captain Jack
  76. Riding Shotgun (1954) (as Charles Buchinsky) .... Pinto
  77. Tennessee Champ (1954) (as Charles Buchinsky) .... Sixty Jubel
  78. House of Wax (1953) (as Charles Buchinsky) .... Igor
  79. Miss Sadie Thompson (1953) (as Charles Buchinsky) .... Pvt. Edwards
  80. Marrying Kind, The (1952) (as Charles Buchinski) .... Eddie
  81. Bloodhounds of Broadway (1952) (as Charles Buchinski) .... Pittsburgh Phil
  82. Clown, The (1952) (uncredited) .... Eddie
  83. Diplomatic Courier (1952) (uncredited) .... The Russian
  84. My Six Convicts (1952) (as Charles Buchinsky) .... Jocko
  85. Pat and Mike (1952) (as Charles Buchinski) .... Hank Taslins
  86. Red Skies of Montana (1952) (as Charles Buchinsky) .... Neff
    ... aka Smoke Jumpers (1952)
  87. People Against O'Hara, The (1951) (uncredited) .... Angelo Korvac
  88. You're in the Navy Now (1951) (as Charles Buchinski) .... Wascylewski
    ... aka U.S.S. Teakettle (1951)
  89. Mob, The (1951) (uncredited) .... Jack
    ... aka Remember That Face (1951)

TV series starring roles

  1. "Travels of Jaimie McPheeters, The" (1963) TV Series .... Murdock (1963-64)
  2. "Empire" (1962) TV Series .... Paul Moreno (1963)
  3. "Man with a Camera" (1958) TV Series .... Mike Kovac (1958-60)

Notable TV guest appearances

  1. "Untouchables, The" (1959) playing "Yonish Kolesko" in episode: "Death Tree, The" 2/15/1962
  2. "Twilight Zone, The" (1959) playing "The Man" in episode: "Two" 9/15/1961
  3. "Yancy Derringer" (1958) in episode: "Hell and High Water" 1959
  4. "Gunsmoke" (1955) playing "Ben Tiple" in episode: "Lost Rifle" 11/1/1958
  5. "Richard Diamond, Private Detective" (1957) in episode: "Pete Rocco Case, The" 9/9/1957
  6. "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" (1955) playing "Det. Krovitch" in episode: "And So Died Riabouchinska" 2/12/1956
  7. "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" (1955) playing "Frank Bramwell" in episode: "There Was An Old Woman" 3/18/1956
  8. "Gunsmoke" (1955) playing "Crego" in episode: "Killer, The" 5/26/1956
  9. "Doctor, The" (1952) in episode: "Take the Odds" 1/18/1953

The Death Wish Page