Pictures, pictures, and ...well, you get the idea.


This is Roger. He is my sister's husband. This picture is him at my nephew's 2nd birthday party.

Mom and Dad

Here is Mom and Dad. Dad is getting real good with that camera. And this has got to be one of the cutest pictures I have seen in a long time.


Well, what can you say about this but...HOW CUTE!

Dad at work

Here's Dad in front of a huge machine. Looks like it could swallow him up if he wasn't careful!

Jessica, Felicia, and me

Here's two of my favorite women (and a nephew) at the Temecula Rod Run

Olin at Channel 4

Talk about surreal pictures. Could this be Olin anchoring the Channel 4 news? I know I wouldn't mind. This is Fred and myself on the set after doing Sunday Night Sports last May. Definitely one of the highlights of my life!

more little Dale

Here is junior on the know what mom used to say...DON'T LOOK BACK!

Uncle John

This is my dad's brother John. He is the relative that lives the closest to me. Sometimes with work I am near his house. One day I will drop in on him.

Click on one of the following:
Links I like: a list of cool sites to visit
News: What's going on in Olin's life
Felicia's 23rd Birthday: Pictures from the party
Jessica's Family Portrait
Photo album
Another photo album
The latest photo album