The Homicide Unit has 2 shifts of detectives & detective sergeants who answer to the shift commanders, Lt. Giardello & Lt. Neal. To see the roster and chain of command, click here. To see where headquarters is located, click here.
If you want to know the status of any case, then check under the primary detective's name on the Board. If it's down in red, it's open. When it's closed, it'll be in black. There's also a column for warrants, and the bottom of the Board has open cases left over from the previous year.
The most intense scenes take place in the Box (interrogation room). The Aquarium is the narrow waiting area where suspects about to be interrogated or booked for murder are held, usually next to their crimes' victims.
The Coffee Room is where the squad hangs out, watches TV, argues about whose turn it is to make coffee, &, until recently, where the Lunch Bandit struck.
Jimmy's used to be where the squad would eat & drink until Munch, Bayliss, & Lewis bought The Waterfront Hotel Bar, conveniently located right across the street from headquarters.