All files are in wav format.
minglee1.wavCartman speeking Vietnamees31k
soldierboy.wavCartman:"...Herro soldierboy, soldier boy. Me so horny..."118k
weakbullets.wavCartman:"It will take more than your weak American bullets to destroy me."77k
playwithself.wavCartman:..."I like playing with myself. I can play with myself all day long."99k
shuthole.wavCartman:"My mom gives me (BEEP) sometimes, and I tell her to shut her hole befor I kick her in the nuts."...72k
commandant.wavCartman:"Commandant Cartman has ways of making you talk."(fart)44k
ewokvillage.wavCartman:"Behold, Ewok Village 2000."28k
suckedass.wavKid singing Cheesy Poofs song.
Cartman:"Excuse me but I do believe that sucked ass."
cartmanhaiku.wavCartman:"Shut your godamn mouth....or else..I'm..gointa..kick you. the balls."78k
winregional.wavKyle:"Where have u been Cartman?"
Cartman:"Well I might have been over at the Cheesy Poofs callback winning a regional championship."
urkel.wavKyle:"Cartman what the hell is that?!"
Cartman:"It's my Urkel sleeping bag, isn't it cool?"
Kyle:"No it's not cool!"
morelotion.wavCartman:..."More Calamine lotion!"93k
goonies.wavCartman:"This is rediculous, what are we the Goonies?"
Kyle:"Yeah were the goonies Cartman, are your the fat kid."
Cartman:"OK that does it. Screw you guys, I'm going home."
screwthoseguys.wavCartman:.."Screw those guys, I don't even like them."53k
doggiestyle.wavLifeguard:"Eric, you have to get in the deep end sooner or later."
Cartman:"Later's fine."
Lifeguard:"Just do your sidestroke."
Cartman:"I only know how to do it doggiestyle."
nosense.wavCartman:..."Now thats what I call a sticky situation."
Stan:"You dumn a**, Cartman, thats not the way it happened."
Kyle:"Yeah dude Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster. How could he have died back then too?"
Cartman:"Oh yeah, I guess that doesn't make sense."
beefcake.wavCartman:"Now thats what I call a sticky situation."59k
dick.wavStan:"Why would he invent a story instead of just telling us the truth?"
Cartman:"Well lets see? Maybe caus' he's old, drunk, hillbilly dick!"...
dibs.wavProducer:"Someone get pissed off and throw a chair at ned here."
hippie.wavCartman:"Yeah and if you don't, you're a big dumnass hippie piece of crap."76k
damnpip.wavCartman:"Damn Pip I diddn't know ya had it in ya."14k
yehright.wavCartman:"Hey, I am a cop and you will respect my authoriti!"40k
listen.wavCartman:"Maybe this will teach you to listen to authoriti."30k
clusters.wavCartman:"Poor people tend to live in clusters."36k
gahagafaka.wavMr. Kroblowski:"Your mother's made gahagafaka."
Cartman:"What the hell is gafagafaka?"
notcool.wavCartman:"Dude, that is not cool! Chopping off weewees is not cool!"...45k
rubhelmet.wavCartman:"Yes the fireman is very magical, when you hub his helmet he spits in your eye."49k
penischopping.wavCartman:"Well screw you guys! I don't want to be in you penis chopping family anyway."40k
fireman.wavCartman:..."My mom says your not supposed to call it a penis, Kenny. You're supposed to call it a fireman."...104k
Kyle:"No not ham you fat f*ck!"
Cartman:"Screw you, it's ham isn't it?"
wakeup.wavCartman:"Wake up you son of a b*tch!"32k
sdhomo.wavCartman:"Stan's dog's a homo. Stan's dog's a homo."36k
sorrypip.wavCartman:"Sorry Pip, old chap."10k
unholy.wavCartman:"Oh look, here comes the unholy butthole now. Hey, thanks a lot for burning everything down, you little b*tch!"44k
layaway.wavCartman:"Yellow Mega Man is only $8.95, so maybe your mom can put it on layaway and make payments on it for a year or two."70k
moveitpovs.wavLady:"We're terribly sorry about the mixup little boy, we'll get you back home immediatly."
Cartman:"That's right you will, god damnit! Move it povs, I'm an American!"
lickcarpet.wavStan:"What the hell are you doing Cartman?"
Cartman:"My mom said if you want to become a lesbian, you have to lick carpet."
seriously.wavCartman:"* guys..seriously!"47k
chacha.wavCartman:"So who put his Hu-Hu Dily in your ChaCha?"21k
kicknuts2.wavCartman:"No you don't, coomy pig, you leave Fluffy out of this!"
Kyle:"Come on Kenny."
Cartman:"Kyle no, seriously. No elephant is gonna make love to my Fluffy. Kyle, I will kick you in the nuts!"
finderskeepers.wavCartman:"Oh no you don't, finders keepers!"
Barbara:"But I'll die."
Cartman:"Well I geuss we'll have to roshambo for it. I'll kick you in nuts as hard as i can, then you kick me square in the nuts as hard as you can."
poundass.wavCartman:"Hey, speaking of pounding a** here comes Stan's little homo dog."37k
brownies.wavCartman:"Somebody's baking brownies."62k
2yrincom.wavCartman:"That's why we come here on Tuesday nights, except for Kenny's family because to them $6.99 is two years income."68k
buff.wavCartman:"Laugh all you want, I'm gonna be the one on T.V. lookin' all buff."32k
kickass.wavCartman:"Kick Ass."10k
imnotfat.wavCartman:"I'm not fat I'm big boned."21k
woodstck.wavCartman:"Yeah hippy, go back to Woodstock if ya can't shoot anything."37k
sdhomo.wavCartman:"Stan's dog's a homo. Stan's dog's a homo."36k
scuzzl2.wavCartman:"I am Scuzzlebutt, lord of the mountain. Behold my Patrick Duffy leg."72k
nuts.wavCartman:"Kyle, i will kick you in the nuts!"57k
notfat.wavCartman:"I'm not fat, I'm festively plump."50k
nokitt1.wav(meow)Cartman:"No kitty this is my pot pie."(meow)"No kitty that's a bad kitty!"(meow)"No kitty it's my pot pie!"(hiss)"Moommmm!"104k
101dildo.wavCartman:"Mom! Kitty's being a dildo."
Cartman's Mom:"Well then I know a certain kitty ktty who's sleeping with mommy tonight."
goals.wavCartman:"Follow your dreams, you can reach your goals, I'm living proof. Beefcake, Beefcake!"57k
dolphins.wavStan:"Dude, dolphins are intelligent and friendly."
Cartman:"Intelligent on rye bread with some mayonase."
charlies.wavCartman:"10-4, pull up flank. Look out for Charlies up in the trees."49k
bigbon1.wavCartman:"All the kids in school call me fat."
Cartman's Mom:"Your not fat your big boned."
Cartman:"That's what I said."
beefduo.wavCartman yelling beefcake with the Commercial41k
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