All files are in wav format.
mrhat.wavMr. Garrison:..."I told you never to mention that name in my classroom again. Mr Hat is a two-timing whore, and now we all learn from Mr Twigg."...137k
sterile.wavMr. Garrison:"Don't lie Stan, lying makes you sterile."38k
prostitute.wavMr. Garrison:"And so children, that's how you tell the difference between a prostitute and a policeman."48k
littlebastards.wavMr. Garrison:"The school year's over but summer vacation doesn't begin for you little bastards untill Mr. Hat is back on my desk!"53k
notgay.wavMr. Garrison:"Well I can tell you that I'm 100% not gay."59k
fminus.wavMr. Garrison:"Well boys, it's obvious to me that you diddn't do your work, and that you stayed up all night making up some rediculous lie. You all recieve an F... minus."79k
askmrh1.wavMr. Hat:"Well Kyle, no, you hear me? You go to hell, you go to hell and die!"161k
holypoop.wavMr. Garrison:"Holy poop on a stick!"65k
ericdo1.wavMr. Garrison:"Oh my lord, Kyle, did you just throw du-du at Eric?"35k
control.wavMr. Garrison:"Oh, I can't control them the little f*ckers say whatever the f*ck they want."38k
btchmdie.wavStan:"Man, did she really throw her vioce with two dummies at once?"
Mr. Garrison:"The b*tch must die!"
mexicans.wavMr. Garrison:"Could we get rid of all the Mexicans?"
Mayor:"No Mr. Garrison we cannot get rid of all the Mexicans."
Mr. Garrison:"Rats!"
hesgay.wavJimbo:"Garrison? That's impossible, he's gay."
Mr. Garrison:"I'm not gay!"
Cartman:"So you did sleep with my mom?"
Mr. Garrison:"Noooo!"
Jimbo:"He's gay."
Mr. Garrison:"Ok, Ok."
divideitup.wavMr. Garrison:"Now children I want each of you to bring in one can of food, and later the mayor of South Park will divide it up amongst Kenny's family and other poor people."64k
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