Doodles (aka the white page) (shonen ai)
Photoshop goodies(aka the Black Page)
Fragile Stems - The angst machine on overdrive. Team Seeven deals with mental fatigue of making the journey back to Konoha with an injured member.
StripTease Implied shonen ai. Lots of flesh but nothing physical. Iruka has an interesting mission in which he must strip.
Sex Education - or the world according to Kakashi. Things don't go as planned when Kakashi teaches his genin the facts of life. Humor.
Diary Iruka's missing. Why? How and Who, all answered. Mystery.
The Sexy Sensei Techinque (edited version)- Naruto comes up with a technique that not even the great Copy Nin Kakashi can withstand. Shonen ai. Humor
Sunday Morning-Genma/Raido shonen ai. Silly little peice about the dangers of sleeping with a jounin. Humor
Supple Emotions - Kakashi/Iruka yaoi, but tasteful I think, I hope(skirts the line between PG-13 and R so reader beware)
Disclaimer: Masashi Kishimoto is Naruto's creator, not I. As such he(I think) is the sole creator of all of the characters featured in the manga and anime. I am just borrowing them for some fun. Now who is responsible for sculpting the little figures in the pics, well, I have no idea, the box is in Japanese, which I don't read. Sorry.