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A compendium of herbs and some of their uses


Herb List
A -B -C -D -E -F -G -H -I -J -K -L -M -N -O -P -Q -R -S -T -U -V -W -X -Y -Z

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Valeriana officinalis
Calms and heals the nervous system, good for the circulatory system, promotes sleep. Valerian root has been used for many centuries to calm all kinds of nervous disorders. Scientific experiments conducted with laboratory animals in West Germany have demonstrated that valerian root will correct muscle spasms and tremors, reduce excitement and irritability, bring down high blood pressure, and calm the central nervous system. Valerian root is a good nervine without possessing any habit-forming narcotic properties like other drugs do. Valerian root reduces high blood pressure because of its action on the heart.

Sedative. The very best sedative herbal generally available. Relieves muscle spasms

Vanilla planifolia

Verbena officinalis
Good for reducing fevers, expels worms

Verbina hastata, verbenaceae
Bitter, cold. Liver lungs. Leaves and tops. Two glycosides (verbenaline and verbenine), essential oil, tannin mucilage and a bitter principal. Diaphoretic, diuretic, alterative, emetic, antiperiodic, expectorant, galactogogue, emmenagogue, and bitter tonic. It treats fevers, colds, flu, hysteria, throat and lung congestion liver disorders, intestinal worms and irregular menses and cramps. This herb is more detoxifying and exerts it's action both on the surface and internally as a alterative. Blue vervain contains an important glycoside called verbenalin. The herb also has certain volatile oils, saponins, tannins, and other substances unnecessary to mention here. The saponins and tannins provide a chemical resistance against infection in the tissue and blood of the body. But it is to the above glycoside that we must address ourselves. Verbenalin works on the sensory nerves leading to the brain. These govern our sight, taste, smell, etc. This alkaloid has strong sedative characteristics about itself and virtually dominates the entire plant. Verbenalin provides a tranquilizing sensation to the mind, so that where there is restlessness and agitation, calm and order will prevail instead. This glycoside nearly always induces conditions of deep restfulness and sleep in those suffering from insomnia. More than any other single compound in this particular herbal combination it gives positive relaxation to minds sorely in need of such.

Viola odorata


Herb List
A -B -C -D -E -F -G -H -I -J -K -L -M -N -O -P -Q -R -S -T -U -V -W -X -Y -Z

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