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Clínica Doméstica
 The Collarette

The collarette or “Autonomic Nerve Wreath” is one of the most important landmarks that an Iridologist will analyze. The collarette is exemplified as a vascular analog for the autonomic nervous system. This circular phenomena is described as a representative for the exchange of nutrients and toxic material between the intestinal tract and the humors of the body. This would also include the collarette serving as an index for the lining of the intestinal tract and autonomic nervous system. Certain indications that are found represent certain tendencies towards the tonus of the gastrointestinal tract. Organs reaction fields are also checked in your analysis to show the reflexive significance between the GI tract and specific organs affected.

Distended Collarette

Represents a widening of the pupillary zone. Reveals a weak tonus within the gastrointestinal tract due to lack of innervation of the musculature. A total distention includes a tenancy toward chronic constipation (atonic) and flatulence. Also know as the centrifugal type, the individual is often tends to over-eat and difficulty storing energy.

Indented Collarette

Represents a narrowing of the pupillary zone. Also known as the Centripetal type, a Tendancy towards hypertonicity (tenseness) of the gastrointestinal tract with a disposition to the spastic variety of constipation.

Lateral Distention

Tendancy towards weak intestinal peristalsis with slow transit time. Potential colon prolapsus, cardio-abdominal symptoms, dysbacteria and dysfunction of the ANS fibers in the muscular coats of the intestine. If distention is seen in the left iris, disturbances of the spleen and /or pancreas tail may be found. Lower capacity to digest small amounts of food are indicated. When distention is found in the right iris, disturbances of liver metabolic functions may be detected. A tendency towards hemorrhoids may be indicated.

Local Indentation

Most often an inherited sign indicating disturbance of the autonomic nerve circuitry from the organ reflected in the iris sector to the autonomic nerve center.

Ventral Distention

Indicates a slackening of the Tonus of the abdominal blood vessels. Tendency towards hemorrhoids, enteroptosis, prostate hypertrophy, low back pains, energetic weakness in lower extremities.

Frontal Indentation

Indicates prolapsus of transverse colon with tendency to cause pressure in lower abdominal organs. Psychological implications such as psychoneurotic difficulties may be found.

Bilateral Distention

Indicates a slackening of the small and large intestines. Tendency towards chronic atonic constipation, dysbacteria and flatulence.

Zig-Zag Collarette

Represents a hyperkinetic gastrointestinal tract that can include accelerated transit time, spastic constipation and colic. Psychological tendencies such as mood swings and anxiousness.

Partial Zig-Zag Collarette

Indicates spastic motor disturbances to the related section of the intestinal musculature. When found in the upper iris reaction field, psychological implications may be encountered. If found in the lower iris reaction field, sigmoid / rectal spasticity and flatulence may be experienced. When located in the liver reaction field can indicate alternating constipation and diarrhea. If any of the zig-zag signs are found in children, dairy products need to be withdrawn from diet.

Wavy Distention

Indicates weak tonus of the entire intestinal musculature, flatulence, dyspepsia and chronic catarhh oppression. Suggests that the GI tract should be the main focus for heath maintenance.

Local Protuberance

Indicates a tendency to diverticulosis and also implies a weakness to the corresponding section due to lack of nerve provision and lack of nourishment.

Collarette Structure


Denotes a lightened or thickened collarette representing an irritable autonomic nervous system. It is an indication of decompensation mechanisms in the GI tract, such as dysfermentia, flatulence, increased peristalsis and painful spasms. A very bright collaratte may be significant of over-acidity in the GI tract leading to allergic states, food intolerance’s and a variety of “itis” type conditions.


Denotes a this or thread-like collarette representing a delicate nervous system. this is a indication for psychosomatic susceptibilities with a tendency towards neuritis and neuralgia’s. Sensitivities may include external factors such as weather, temperature and atmospheric changes, sound, light and emotional sensitivity.

Parallel Track

Also known as the double collarette, represents psychoneurotic and psychosomatic tendencies. This is inherited characteristic and there may be family history of apathy, depression and suicide. If this sign is found temporally or medially, possible nervous asthma, cardiac rhythmic disorders and cardiac neurosis may be indicated.


A phenomena that develops slowly and gradually over time. may be indicative of an inherently weak sympathetic nervous system. An inability to efficiently utilize nutritional components, and allergic reactions may be detected.

Sectoral Absence

A poorly defined or absent collarette indicates an insufficient autonomic nervous system with inhibited regulatory capacity. Reaction and resistance to negative influences is usually difficult.

There is often association with psycho-emotional disturbances producing hopelessness and fatigue symptoms. If detected in children, possibilities of intestinal colic, low calcium absorption, bode development disturbances, stomach \ appetite weakness, food intolerance’s, nausea, excess catarrh, may be indicated.

A sectoral absence may be interpreted as inhibition of enzyme synthesis in the digestive tract with poor vitamin absorption, especially vitamin A.


The funnel type appearance is an indication of weak muscle and connective tissue. Possible hernias and other tissue displacements may be considered.

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