< History and aims



Infectious diseases are one of the most important causes of mortality in Turkey. Transmissible diseases, which is a major subset of infectious diseases are one of the principal health problems, that must be vigorously struggled against.

Drug abuse is also a habit, which is popular between the members of the new generation. Drug abuse has many harmful effects and is a legal and medical problem, which facilitates the transmission of important diseases such as AIDS, hepatititis and etc.

For these reasons we, as a group composed of medical students from the different levels of the medical curriculum, came together, by the great efforts of Oktay Tarhan, MD as founder supervisor, who was working as an assistant professor in the Internal Medicine Department Infectious Diseases Unit and Kadir Biberoglu, MD (professor of internal medicine), who was working as the head of Internal Medicine Department Infectious Diseases Unit, and founded the Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine-Club Against Infectious Diseases and Substance Abuse=Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi-Bulasici Hastaliklar ve Uyusturucuyla Savas Kulubu, feeling self responsible and responsible to the society, on the 17th of March ,1997, in the Dokuz Eylul University Medical Faculty-Inciralti- Izmir.

In the first academic year the group arranged 3 scientific activities, and attended the National AIDS and STDs Congress arranged in Hacettepe University.You may click here to gain more information about the activities in the 1996-97 academic year

!997-98 academic year was the hit year of the group and it aranged 22 scientific activities, 9 of which were out side of the medical faculty. During the National AIDS and STDs Congress, which was held in Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine group had presented two posters and had attended the "Drug Abuse" panel. In the January of the 1999, Ayşen Baykara, MD, who is professor of childhood and adolescent psychiatry and the head of childhood and adolescent psychiatry department has been allocated as the supervisor of the group.In the same year we have helped to the foundation of our sister club Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine-Club Against Infectious Diseases and Substance Abuse=Pamukkale Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi-Bulasici Hastaliklar ve Uyusturucuyla Savas Kulubu, which was founded under the supervision of Mehmet Zencir, MD, who was asssistant profeessor of Public Medicine in Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine.You may click here to gain more information about the activities in the 1997-98 academic year

On the July, the 10th group admitted for being a university based club instead of being a faculty based club. Unfortunately this has not been accepted by the University management, the time period for waiting for the exact result of the admission delayed the activities.At last in the first days of the March, 1999 the group decided to take back the admission for being a university based club and has decided to go on, or in other words to restart as a faculty based club. Between March and April group has arranged 5 panels and 1 seminary, and reached abut 2.000 secondary school students. In the April-1999 Ayşe Yuce, MD, who is professor of infectious diseases and the head of infectious diseases department and Semih Semin, MD, who is assistant professor of public medicine have been allocated the assistant supervisors of the group.You may click here to gain more information about the activities in the 1998-99 academic year

ONLINE ADVISE FORUM, BUHUSINFO PAGES, main page, subgroup of AIDS and STDs, subgroup of hepatitis, subgroup of nosocomial diseases and tuberculosis, subgroup of tobacco abuse, subgroup of substance abuse, subgroup of social activities, history and aims, activities, members, researches, links to the related sites on the web, administrative committee, our statute(in Turkish).

© 2000 Last updated on May, the 13th, 2000.

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