There are a number of highly informational web sites to be found when searching the Internet. It is wise to keep in mind that some of these sites contain valid information and others do not. While we cannot gaurantee the validity of any sites other then the ones we maintain, the following are some of our favorites and should prove useful to many of our visitors.

CVS Specific

Australian Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Association Home Page

Disease in Disguise
Complete contents of the CVSA pamphlet

Official Home Page of the Cyclic Vomiting
Syndrome Association (USA and Canada)

Alternative Medicine

Alternative Health News Online

American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAOM)

Herbnet - For Everything Herbal

Medical and Pharmaceutical Databases, etc.

Ask a Pharmacist
You can submit questions regarding pharmaceuticals
which will be answered via return email
within 48 hours.

Directory of Digestive Disease Organizations

Healthtouch Online
Drug and Pharmacy Search

Med Help International

Multilingual Glossary
of technical and popular medical terms

National Library of Medicine's Medline ®
and Pre-Medline ® Databases

NORD - National Organization for Rare Disorders


OnHealth - Resources

Pharmaceutical Information Network

RXList - The Internet Drug Index

The Virtual Drug Store


Nutritional Basics from AMA Health Insight

Online Nutritional Analysis and Help
Personal nutritional analysis is available at
this site for a fee ($50 US), but you can also
email the nutritionist free of charge with questions.
Julie Kennedy sent a question in and received
a prompt answer.

Other Useful Links

PHONELIST of disability-related numbers

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993(FMLA)
This is part of the US Department of Labor Website

Search Engines (General)

It's easy to be overwelmed by the number of 'search engines' available on the Internet. Because of this, we could have chosen to provide you with links to only a few, which would have made the choice easy for you. The reason we did not do this, is that not every web page is listed with every search engine. The page that has just the information you are looking for may very well be listed with 'Infoseek' but not with 'HotBot' or 'Lycos' or vice versa. If you don't find the sites you are looking for by using one of these search engines, you'll want to move on and try the next. Don't give up too easily. There is a wealth of information on the Internet and you will soon become proficient at seeking it out.

White Pages
Yellow Pages

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