The following adults would be glad to hear from you (the diagnosed CVS sufferer, the person who wonders if they have CVS, the parent or family member of an adult CVS sufferer, or just the person who wants to learn more). Please feel free to email any of us. If you'd like to talk in person, many of us are willing to share a phone number and/or address as well, after the initial email contact.

NOTE: Not all of the people listed below have Internet access. If you'd like to correspond or talk with someone who does not have an email address, please email Julie Kennedy at , explain who it is you would like to contact, Julie will pass that information on to the person you'd like to talk to, and will get back to you with their phone number or address.

Name: Alice

Alice's personal profile will be posted soon. In the meantime you can read an email from Alice to learn a little about her.

Name: Lee
Will be posted soon.

My husband Jim and I have been married for 33 years. Our family includes our 30 year old son Dave, who suffers from CVS (adopted in 1969) and his 6 year old daughter Amanda, and daughter Amy (adopted in 1972) along with her husband Tim and their children, 7 year old Austin, 5 year old Cory, 3 year old Skylar, and 1 year old Krogan. Please visit mail from Lee to read a little about the history of Dave's illness.

Visit the 'Bits and Pieces' photo album to see our family picture, along with a picture of Dave and his biological half-sister Shannon.

Name: John

John's personal profile will be posted soon. In the meantime you can read an email from John to learn a little about him.

Name: Julie

Hi, I'm Julie Kennedy and I serve as Adult Coordinator for the Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Association USA & Canada. I'm 42 years old and have suffered with CVS since the age of 10. I'm a busy wife and mother. My husband Mike, and I are the parents of Stacy (age 24), Chad (age 23), Adam (age 14), and Kelsey (age 9). We're also the proud grandparents of Bailey, just born this past September, and Blake, who is three. Along with Mike, I run an emergency shelter for abused and neglected children who range in age from 0 to 12 years. My son, Adam, also suffers from CVS.

You can visit Julie's personal CVS Web Site at

Visit the 'Bits and Pieces' photo album to see our family picture.

Name: Kara

Kara's personal profile will be posted soon.

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