Since the dawn of time, humans have had trouble understanding things, be it how to read the cave writing, or figuring out how to give Og the right change in clams. Learning disabilities have been around as long as humans have, and only recently have we begun to understand what they are and just how much impact the have on our lives.
The term Learning Disability means "to have difficulty in performing certain tasks, or processing information." What was totally unknown in the 70's, now have names and descriptions, and even documented ways of fixing the problems.
If you have trouble putting words into written sentences, or you have trouble understanding what you just read, you probably have what they call "Dysgraphia". Dysgraphia is the "label" which is given to the problems which are experienced with the written word. Dysgraphia has many signs. Some of these are:
Another learning disability which many people have and may not even know it is called "Dyscalculia". Dyscalculia is in laymans terms, an inability or difficulty in performing mathematical operations or remembering math facts. In other words, for those of us who are in our 30's and 40's and still count on our fingers, have no fear.. you aren't alone. And it isn't because you are dumb. Millions of people have some form of this disability. I for one didn't know this disability even existed until about 6 months ago when i was doing some research on the net because my daughter is having incredible trouble doing the very same things I did when I was in school.
Dyscalculia is charachterized by the following:
Dyslexia is another common learning disability which can be extremely frustrating. It can be linked to many other learning disabilities, such as the two listed above. Dyslexia is a disability in which words, numbers and sentences are seen backwards. For example: The dog jumped over the fox. Would be read as .xof eht revo depmuj god ehT
Or like this: .fox the over jumped dog The
Hard to read isn't it? Well just imagine trying to do this math problem: 69 + 12 when it looks like this: 21 + 96. Not the same is it?
While having dyslexia can be a royal pain to live with, millions of people are living with it, and are coming up with ways to compensate for thier problem. Dyslexia is one of the most commonly diagnosed problems because its signs are easily identified.
Some signs of Dyslexia are:
While this does not cover all the learning disabilities out there, I hope that it has given some insight to a few of them. If you have any questions about learning disabilities or would like to find out more about them, there are some wonderful websites out there which can offer you answers to just about every question you may have, from discovering a learning disability, to how to help your child get the help they need. Please check out the links below for more information on this subject, or feel free to e-mail me at and I will be more than happy to help guide you in the right direction. While I am in no way a professional, I have 3 children who have all sorts of different learning disabilities, and I can point you in the right direction to find the answers you need.
LD OnlineThe absolute best site for Learning disabilities on the net.
Dyslexia Research Institute STAND Great source for Advocacy and more information regarding Learning Disabilities
Dyslexia-ADD Organization
A users guide to the IDEA Law
Special Education
The Puzzle of Learning Disabilities
To join one of these groups, click on the link, and in the text portion of the e-mail place the word "subscribe".
ldpride-subscribe@egroups.comLD Pride. An online support group for people who have learning disabilities or for those who know someone who does.