Powder products in various flavours
	Yoghurt, ice cream is yogg
	Yogg 30---30 gr/kg milk ice cream bases
	We have the pleasure to offer to our customers the product that won
	over the market of yoghurt flavoured ice cream in AMERICA. Yogg
	can be used in combination with Stabilfrutta 30, milk, sugar and morbidina-
	cream or it can be added to a neutral base possibly adding fresh Yoghurt.
	The result is an ice cream with live milk enzymes.
	Lemon sicily
	Lemon mediterranean---50 gr/kg
	Product complete with stabiliser
	To prepare a fresh and thirst-Quen Chin lemon sherbet quickly.
	Products for soft machines
	Chocolate---1 bag (kg 1.5) + 3.5 lt water tot.ice cream kgs 5
	Vanilla---1 bag (kg 1.5) + 3.5 lt water tot.ice cream kgs 5
	Strawberry---1 bag (kg 1.5) + 3.5 lt water tot.ice cream kgs 5
	Blueberry---1 bag (kg 1.5) + 3.5 lt water tot.ice cream kgs 5
	Raspberry---1 bag (kg 1.5) + 3.5 lt water tot.ice cream kgs 5
	Green apple---1 bag (kg 1.5) + 3.5 lt water tot.ice cream kgs 5
Conversi Co., Ltd.
Ice cream-bases | Ice cream-bases | Ice cream-paste | Ice cream-flavours | Bakery-Whipp-up | Bakery-titbit | Ice cream home made | Equipments

Tel: 066-2-7125430 FAX.7125431

Email: conversicompany@hotmail.com