Chaos has simple rules to follow. We believe
for a team to be successful in the world of online teams,
they first need some kind of rules and organization.
1. Chaos Members will ONLY be allowed to
have (1) Chaos name. No name changing will be allowed, because
1st it causes confusion to the members, yahooers and especially
webdesigner. It is almost near impossible for a webdesigner
to keep track with all the new ID's names while at the same
time trying to make the site look better.
2. There will be absolutely no rating boosting
and no one allowed to use programs just so their rating
can look good. Anyone seen or caught doing any of this will
be dismissed from Chaos, no excuses. This will not be tolerated
just so that your rating looks good.
3. Inactivity from your chaos name for
more than one 3 weeks results in dismissal from the team,
unless there is a very good excuse ( please speak to chaos
to chaos leaders).
4. Any current chaos member that quits
the team or old members that have quit chaos will not be
allowed anymore to rejoin the team.