1. On 1/0 games rules should be as followed: The player
that is ahead by 8 seconds or more gets win, no matter if
he has less pieces or not. Now if a player has 8 seconds
or less on his time and is down by more than 2 pieces than
the player with the less time should get the win. This way
it diminishes the "Time Whoring" excuse.
2. On 2/0 games rules should be as followed:
2/0 games are basically a more skilled game. More and more
people on yahoo have DSL or cable, so therefore if a player
wins on time but has the fewer pieces the player that lost
that had more pieces should get the win. Now if a player
has less pieces than the opposing player, but he is ahead
on time by more than 30 seconds, then the win should go
to the player with more time on the clock. It can be a suspision
on the opposing player that might be using a program to
win the game.
3. Chaos will not allow for any provisional
players or players with less than 80 games played on their
team ID to play in tourneys or it will result in your team
forfeit and loss. There is no need to be cheating in checkers.
In all honesty, teams that are honest will get most respect
in Yahoo.
Chaos is open to different rules, so please
dont hesitate to impose any. Please get together with either
Luis or Fredo to discuss a future Tournament and anyone
of us can make a decision on different rules. Chaos will
play tournaments during weekdays and of course at night
time Thank you.