80th Fighter Group 88Th
Fighter Squadron
80th Fighter Group
88th FS Emblem

     The 88th Fighter Squadron was activated on 13, January, 1942 as part of the 80th Pursuit Group. Also in the group were the 89th and 90th Fighter Swuadrons. The 80th Pursuit Group was stationed at Selfridge Field, Michicgan on 9 February, 1942, but made several moves as follows:

25 June 1942 - Bridgeport, Connecticut
2 September 1942 - Farmingdale, New York
9 March 1943 - Mitchell Field, New York
28 June 1943 - Karachi, India
3 May 1944 - Shingbwaiyang, Burma
23 January 1945 - Myitkyina, Burma
3 May 1945 - Moran, India
29 May 1945 - Dudhkunki, India
1 November 1945 - Camp Kilne, New Jersey.

     Initially constituted as a P-47 Squadron, the 88th trained in this aircraft from June 1942 until April, 1943 when it was learned that they were assigned to the Far East and not Europe as expected. At this time the squadron transitioned from the P-47 "Thunderbolt" to the P-40 "Tomahawk". In the China-Burma-India theater it compiled an impressive records as part of the "Burma Banshees". The squadron was deactivated on 3 November 1945.

     The 88th Figther Sqaudron's emblem was approved on 18 April, 1943. The black and white segments of the border represent the turbine wheel of a turbo-supercharger. The four lightning bolts in cross represent the 4 bladed propellor of the P-47. The quatrefoil was added to provide symetry to the design and contrast to the propellor.

80th Fighter Group
80th FG
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