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Don't buy on IMPULSE!!
Parrots can live 75 years or longer. They don't grow up, they just get older! They will "always" need you as their caregiver!
Parrots are NOT trophies!
Please DON'T collect them!!

Digger will take you homeI will take you home.

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Stop Bird Abuse

Stop Bird Abuse

If you answered "yes" to the above banner DO NOT get a bird!

When it comes to birds and parrots who are abused, out on the streets, is not usually the case. To put a bird outside is almost a certain death. Their first reaction is to fly to the highest point searching for a perch. They can have heart failure in an open area, where there are no trees available to perch. Especially for smaller birds that panic. This happened to our cockatiel. She flew up until she spotted a tree in the yard where she could land. She returned when I called her. Some are not so fortunate.

Abused birds are usually locked away from other family members. This kills their spirit first then their immune system begins to break down leaving their bodies open to diseases, feather plucking and worst of all dying from loneliness.

If you find your life has changed and you can no longer care for your birds "Please" find them a home. You are not a bad person. Things happen in our lives that we have no control over finding a new home for any animal is not a bad thing.....not finding a home and continuously abusing the animal is a "bad" thing. Please take the time to find them a lovinghome.
PDD is a disease that you could say is causing a tremendous abuse to birds. It's not abuse, by the hands of humans, but if a bird in your care is infected it will spread to each and every one in your possession, eventually taking the lives of all!!

This disease needs to be addressed and stopped!! More research is necessary. Translating into more financial funding. So many hurtles have already been accomplished taking the pain of loss and turning the hope of survival into a reality !!!

I have faith that one day this dreaded disease will be cured....the pain is knowing it will take several more of our feathered friends with it first. Please visit this site to learn about the devastation and the horrific loss it causes.
The PDD Information Page
Proventricular Dilitation Disease

Buying Captive-Bred Birds
Selling or buying imported birds is no longer legal. These birds suffered horrific pain getting to our country.

I can not stress enough to buy Captive-Bred birds. They make much better pets and are not put through abusive torture, Wild caught parrots went through such horrendous abuse most of them never arrived alive!!!

They were hunted and trapped from their natural home in the trees and countryside. The hunters would apply a glue like substance "bird lime" to the limbs of trees. When birds landed, on the limbs, they were unable to move. They were then plucked from the branches sometimes loosing toes in the process.

In other cases they would kill the parents then go directly to the nest to steal the babies. They would then capture a species after bolting them to the ground or tree as a decoy to catch the unaware family member coming to it's rescue. In other cases the entire tree was cut down, with surviving birds being crammed into crates for shipment to the U.S. Europe and Japan.

Thousands would be shipped in the overcrowded crates with only a small amount of food and water. Not enough to last the entire trip. Only a small percentage of these birds ever survived the transport. From 1980 to 1986 at least 259,733 birds arrived dead at U.S. airports!!

Parrots being smuggled from Mexico are often hid in the trunk or door panels of cars with their mouths taped shut and drugged!! Most of these birds never survived the trip. An estimated 80% die in transport!!!

Respectable breeders DON'T have babies
They have WAITING lists!!
There are several good breeders who are willing to work with you for the right bird to fit your needs as well as the parrots needs. A lot of flack has been given on pet stores, but same as for breeders, check them out individually. I've run across some very good pet stores, and some bad breeders. Ask your vet or check out local rescue services to see if they have any in need of a good home.

Rescue birds are not for everyone and especially first time bird owners. Some of these birds may have lived in several homes bringing bad as well as good memories with them. These, once beautiful birds, may be feather plucked with hostilities that first time bird people could not handle.

Check out breeders, and avian vets in your local area first. Breeders advertise in quality pet/bird magazines, on the net and through local newspapers! I feel its best to buy local, if possible, which enables you to check out their facilities and babies before bringing them home. It may take several visits or conversations before deciding if this is the right breeder for you. Do not make a hasty decision!

Good breeders go through a lot of energy, time and love to bring you a baby who you will love and appreciate. Hand feeding babies is a very exhausting job....one that has to be done with quality time, effort and love. I don't envy anyone that has to get up every two hours to feed a clutch of babies and I certainly wouldn't expect them to hand them over to me unless they felt I was going to give the same amount of love and attention.
Because of the time and extra attention required for their health and mental well being parrots are not for everyone.
Birds have a small lung capacity and should "never" be exposed to strong odors of any kind. We need to patrol the products we use making sure they will not cause harm to any of our pets. Especially with the conception that some of our manufactures have different ideas regarding classification of pets and how they test their products!

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outside birdsPlease don't forget our outside birds. Bird feeders set high enough so ground animals can not reach them are extremely helpful. It's always fun watching the birds come to visit knowing there is food for them.

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© Judy and Jerry's Place~~Stop Abuse Rooms~~
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