Welcome inside my home!

Other pages on my site include my dogs, who are Australian Shepherds. They each have their own pages, LJ and Max, and I have special ones for Felix, Sara and Oscar.

I also have a page for my non-doggie passion, needlepoint. Another page is about my career, medical technology and a series of pages about surviving abuse. If you came here as a result of a webring, I hope you will look around a little. Exciting news! I was just accepted i the Veterinary Technology program at a local college. I will be writing about tha very soon, so please stop by!

I just found out that my old guestbook has been removed from the net (?!), so I will be looking for another one soon. In the meantime, please take the time to view my old guestbook.

Please support Breast Cancer Pink Ribbon to Fight Breast Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Research. Thanks!

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Email me: Susan

I'm Sorry - Fight Child Abuse!

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