Welcome to my page about the Schnauzer, here you can read about the history about this breed, all the information are of  different magazines, books and pages, that I read.  

I don't speak the English and it's to difficult to me do the translation, so if you want to help me, tell me if  you see words that are wrong or don't sound good.

This dog born like companion of horses and diligences, is a robust and fast dog, that has not taken in spreading.

Apt for works of guard (the medium one or simply schnauzer), of defense (the giant or Riesenschnauzer) and of company or alarm, why not! (miniature or zwergschnauzer).

Giant, standard or miniature, schnauzer it is a dog that is made cares by the members of the family, protects the children and not trust of the strangers.

Has rustics habits and live many year. its character is very special: energy and friendly simultaneously.

In opposition that’s the people believe, mini, giant and standard are 3 different breeds with peculiar character and size. but they got the same kind of hair, corporal structure compact and strong), and speaking about character; giant, mini and standard are always alert in any situation and distrust with the strangers.
History and Origin

Schnauzers, as its name can denote it, is of German origin. It is of very old origin but in spite of this, they were not recognized officially until based the PSK (Pinscher Schnauzer Klub), its creation was due to the will of fans that seted out to obtain a dog with precise characteristics without resorting to other races, to create an own standard.

At first used to denominate them "pinscher", that is the equivalent one of the English terrier, since they have similarity in the character (disposition to hunt rodents or foxes) also physiological (beards and smooth hair very similar to some terriers or pinschers).

It was until beginning of century XX when began to call Schnauzer by its characteristic beard and mustached snout, since until then, has been called deutsche kurzhaarige pinscher (German pincher of short hair).

The 23 of May of 1895, important date in the past of the Schnauzer, in Seesenam Harz, during the original assembly, were approved the regulation and the standard for the variety of pinschers of hard hair, in this meeting stayed the idea of J. Berta (important personage in the origins of this race) to extend the club to all the types of pinscher of hard hair. In this meeting also one remembered rely on the standard of the associations of luxury dogs and the fox terrier, in order to continue extending the number of fans.

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