Brolkflip with Pop Boy - Spunj Bodyboarding.
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Brolkflip. I came up with the name brolkflip after this surf at Sunshine Beach. It's a combination of a roll and a backflip - simple. By backflip I'm talking about a closeout type, not a down the line type. The first tricky thing about the brolkflip is initiating a high rotational speed roll with a normal rotational speed backflip while leaving the lip. The second tricky thing is landing the things. This is somewhat offset by the spin rotation that is initiated from the second half of the roll (shots 6 to 9). This momentum makes the spin out (shots 9 & 10) pretty easy.

A few people say this move looks strangely familiar. Some say it looks like Eppo's double roll, I guess that's a fair comment from the first 6 shots. Others say it looks like an ARS but with a reverse spin instead of a forward. Not really 'cause I've done one of them too, I'll show you it later.

Spunj Bodyboarding.

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