* Inside our bodies we have millions of cells that kill invading germs, such as bacteria and viruses.
They are white blood cells, which pass through the walls of blood vessels to attack invading germs. They are the clearest members of the cell amry. there are thousands of different lymphocytes and each one is programmed to attack different germs. There weapons are antibodies that they make, that stick tightly to the germ. These antibodies make it easier for macrophages to gobble them up. There are two main types of lymphocytes, B-cells and T-cells.
immune cells kill germs by eating them. You are probablly
wondering how this happens. Well click here
for a diagram of this process. I'll try to explain it in words as best
as I can: Antibodies that are stuck to the germs tell the
phagocyte cells where the germs are. So the phagocyte cells are
able to spot the germs and destroy them. These are the waste
diposal cells in our army. They clear up the mess. For example
they are continually eating up the dust in our lungs that we
breathe in. Also before they completely destroy the germs, they
alert the lymphocytes. Now the lymphocytes are aware that there
is trouble and they now join the battle. In short words, they
enable the body to dipose of unwanted matter. An intresting fact
to know about them is that when they die they form pus. They are
amoeb like white blood cells, that ingest the germs and display
their antigens to the T-cells triggering an immune response
Antigens: activate lymphocytes, they make up part of the invaders body
* The cells in our immune system comunicate with each other using a chemical called Cytokines, which summons cells to a trouble spot, turning lymphocytes into killer cells.........etc.
Lymphatic System ~ immune system ~ Aids ~ Organs of the Immune system ~ VACCINATIONS ~ what makes us ill ? ~ Interactions in an immune response