SHOTS (ouch)
-When you get a vaccination a small amount of a certain virus, which has been speacially
treated, is injected into our body. Our body then makes antibodies that fight the virus;
therefore, when this certain virus attacks our body we are not harmed because we are immune
to the disease that it causes. This happenes because your body is able to make antibodies for
this certain virus very fast without us evening knowing about it. The reason we are able to
make the anitbodies faster is because our body recognizes the viruses form. This is true only for
some diseases, others have no cure at all, or their viruses change their form continuaslly,
making it not possible for our Memory cells to recognize them. In short, vaccinations,
stimulate the production of plasma and memory cells causing a specific imunnity.
-The first exposure to an antigen takes about 7 to 14 days for our bodies to build a large army of anti-body producing plasma cells. But after the secound exposure to that same antigen, the memory cells immediately begin a fast large-scale prodction of antibodies that multiply rapidly.
Aids ~ Cells that make up our immune system ~ immune system ~ Lymphatic System ~ Organs of the Immune system ~ Interactions in an immune response ~ Organs of the Immune system ~ what makes us ill ?