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The Effects of the Proximity of the Marine Environment

on Biodiversity in Microhabitats within a Salt Marsh


by Waterose

Section 5. References:

Luttmerding, H., D. Demarchi, E. Lea, D. Meidinger, and T. Vold (editors). 1990. Describing Ecosystems in the Field. MOE Manual 11. Ministry of Environment.

Rogers, A. 1993. The Earth Summit: A Planetary Reckoning. Global View Press. Los Angeles, Ca. Pp. 351.

Ryan, M., G. Radcliffe, G. Butt. 1995. Ecological Assessment of Royal Roads Property C.F.B. Esquimalt Vancouver Island, Madrone Consultants Ltd. Victoria, B.C. Pp. 47.

To Section 6. Postscript:


  1. Introduction:
  2. Methods:
  3. Results:
  4. Discussion:
  5. References:
  6. Postscript:
  7. Tables and Figures


Mailemail Waterose

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