Bird Box 1


1998 ARCHIVE 1a
1998 ARCHIVE 1b

1998 ARCHIVE 2




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This nesting box is located high up on the wall on the South side of the house. Despite being in full sun and getting very hot, it is regularly used by the House Sparrows. Each year they manage to raise two or three broods.

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6 June 1999
All successfully fledged while we were away on our holidays.
Unfortunate timing and we are sorry we missed it.

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29 May 1999
Nearly filling the base of the box now.

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27 May 1999
It helps if you can be first in the queue!

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25 May 1999
Feathers growing really fast now. Are five fully grown chicks really going to fit in here?

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23 May 1999
Me first! First time they have had their eyes open.

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21 May 1999
Close-up shot.
All facing the entrance ready for the next meal to come in!

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19 May 1999
Five wide open beaks waiting for food!

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18 May 1999
All five eggs have hatched. This is the male visiting to feed the chicks.

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13 May 1999
Female sitting on the eggs. More soft nesting material is occasionally added.

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11 May 1999
Five eggs is the final total.

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8 May 1999
A bit difficult to see but four eggs we think!

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5 May 1999
Female sitting on the eggs. Four eggs so far.

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3 May 1999
Lots more nesting material now!

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27 April 1999
Out roosting at night, again! Notice the extra nesting material.

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25 April 1999
Just getting started. Out roosting at night.

The sparrows seem to be much later getting started this year. Building is very slow at the moment and may only be the efforts of one bird trying to attract a mate.

Pictures from 1998 can be seen in 1998 ARCHIVE 1a (most recent) and 1998 ARCHIVE 1b (earlier).


If you have any comments about these pages please feel free to contact us at

First released on 28 March 1998 and updated on 23 March 2001