Spread spectrum
transceiver controlled by PIC
In modern telecommunications spread spectrum methods are
widely present. Regardless whether it is frequency hooping
method, direct sequence method or time hooping method, these
aspects have a lot in common:
· Excellent signal/noise ratio,
· Efficient usage of radio spectrum,
· Great immunity on jamming and minimized danger of
Fast development of microcontrollers seeks for the usage of
these devices in modern telecommunications. This article is to
present the simplicity if a transceiver based on the spread
spectrum method of frequency hooping.
Basic principles of frequency
The method of
frequency hooping is used for transmission of digital signals.
Without FH, in the basic band of the transmission a certain
bandwidth is used. However, due to frequent change of carrier
frequency the method of frequency hooping uses fairly large
portion of radio spectrum. Each change in carrier frequency is
called hoop. Two methods of frequency hooping are used today:
· A number of hoops per bit and
· A number of bits per hoop.
The first method means that carrier frequency changes a
number of times during the transmission of one bit, for example
three hoops per bit. The second method means that a number of
bits is transmitted on one carrier frequency, for example two
bits per hoop.
In general, for easier understanding we shall analyze the
principle of 'one hoop per bit'. Once the method is understood
it is easy to make variations and to 'confuse the enemy'.
figure 1.
Principle of operation
Figure 1 presents a block diagram of
the device. Digital signal (information) is present on the FSK
encoder input (frequency shift keying). This part gives sine
output of the frequencies 10kHz and 20kHz, depending whether the
input sees logic zero or logic one. The schematics of the
encoder is given on figure 3.
FSK signal is further brought to the modulator MC1496 (Motorola)
which with help of the oscillator raises the signal in the
higher frequency range. For each bit of information the
oscillator generates a new frequency of the carrier. The
schematics of the oscillator is given on figure 4. The schematic
of the modulator is given on figure 5.
figure 4.
figure 5.
The heart of the oscillator presents 16F84 (Microchip), which
drives the PLL MC145151-2 (Motorola). The PLL has the role to
generate and to precisely set the working frequency, i.e. the
carrier. As a generator I used current controlled oscillator
XR2206 (Exar). The frequency of this oscillator is proportional
to the current drawn form the pin number 7.
PIC's output (pins 6,7,8,9,10 and 11) is a binary combination
which presents one working frequency. In general, this binary
number tells the PLL which frequency should be taken out of the
oscillator. Simply, by changing the binary combination it is
possible to change the working frequency of the transmitter. For
simplicity let's take that the carrier frequency rises from
200kHz to 800kHz with the step of 40Khz. This means that we have
15 working channels. If we take that the binary flow is 1200bps,
it is easy to conclude that we have 1200 hoops per second.
The composite signal from the modulator's output is sent to an
amplifier and emitted via antenna in the air. The transmitter
should not work only in the range from 200kHz to 800kHz and
that's why filters and amplifiers are not further analyzed.
As far as the receiver is concerned we should
reason in the opposite direction (figure 2.). The signal from
antenna is amplified an filtered out in order to eliminate noise
out of the working range.. The integrated circuit MC1496
demodulates FSK signal and brings it back to the basic band.
figure 2.
The greatest problem in the receiver could be faced due to a bad
synchronization. For proper coherent demodulation it is
necessary to synchronize oscillators in transmitter and
receiver. The synchronization methods are numerous and they
present a wide area in telecommunications. Considering the
problem would just take too much space, therefore I assume there
is a synchro signal Sync which drives both oscillators. In
further editions we should deal with more details with
Demodulated FSK signal is filtered out so the 20kHz component is
taken out of it. So processed signal is 'given' to the tone
decoder which recognizes 10kHz and generates logic zero. In the
case when there is no 10kHz signal the output of the tone
decoder is at logic high, which is what we need. Tone decoder is
made of the famous LM567 and the schematics is given on figure
figure 6.
Further improvements
The integrated circuit XR2206 works
well up to 1MHz. For work on higher frequencie it is possible to
use other voltage controlled oscillators, such as MAX038
(Maxim). MAX038 works up to 20MHz. For increasing the flow rate
it is necessary to raise FSK frequencies which demands wider
working band and better filter realization between the PLL and
the oscillator.
Frequency hooping method is just one of the spread spectrum
methods. We saw how a PIC can help to realize a transceiver
based on this method. Further improvements are possible which
expands the usage of the device
Zoran Ristiæ
(mailto: zristic@beotel.yu)
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; variables
same equ 1
w_keep equ 0CH ; keeps the acc contents during the rutine
countd equ 0DH
; origin
org 0
goto init
org 4
goto rutina
init: bsf status,rp0
movlw 11000000b
tris portb ; set portb(5:0) as outputs and portb(7:6) as inputs (interrupts)
bcf status,rp0
clrf portb
movlw 15
movwf countd
bcf intcon,rbif
bsf intcon,gie
bsf intcon,rbie
main: nop ; wait for Sync
goto main
rutina bcf intcon,rbie
movwf w_keep
btfss portb,7 ;we only need the rising edge
goto exit
decfsz countd,same
goto dalje
movlw 15
movwf countd
movf countd,0
call fhtable
movwf portb
exit: bcf intcon,rbif
bsf intcon,gie
bsf intcon,rbie
movf w_keep,0
addwf pcl,same
retlw 50 ;this number is never read
retlw 50 ;800kHz
retlw 4C
retlw 48
retlw 44
retlw 40
retlw 3C
retlw 38
retlw 34
retlw 30
retlw 2C
retlw 28
retlw 24
retlw 20
retlw 1C
retlw 18
retlw 14 ;200kHz
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