GeekWorld '99: The Employer Strikes Back
First of all, let me say that this title is only a pun. Our employer was always supportive of our endeavors. However, the realities of business and the lack of funding for much of the programming department forced Brother Joseph and I to go our separate ways and leave the original location of GeekWorld behind.
After a short break from the work force, I found myself programming again in a different city. Since the charter GeekWorld site no longer existed and we were in different locations, we adopted a naming convention taken from public radio stations. I was operating from GeekWorld member station GWFR (GeekWorld FRankfort). Brother Joseph, as well, found his way to member station GWWBY (GeekWorld Wild Blue Air Force Base).
The tradition of the daily features was carried on via electronic mail. As of 11/2/98 ({^1998-11-02} for those of you who follow 'strict date' standards) the new GeekWorld was dubbed 'GeekWorld, FR.' When we entered 1999, the two digit representation was added along with the new logo pictured above.