Small, yet growing.


If I had Only Paid Attention...: [not completed] Soon to be finished, I hope.

If I Ignore Them, They'll All Go Away: [R. Ignore the fact that I'm 14] Uh. Don't really know how to explain this one. Sometimes bad things can actually bring people together.

new1.gif (2364 bytes)Hold On: [PG-13] I won't tell you, because that would totally give it away. Major depressive tho. And it's saved on my computer (my webpage stuff is downstairs), and will show up as soon as soon as my computer starts working again. ;-)

Honey, I Think the Soundproofing Doesn't Work Quite Well: [PG] Doesn't the title give it away? Quite hilarious, I am told.

Almost Only Counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades: [PG-13] :~) My secret. One of my better ones, tho.

Too Long: [PG-13] WARNING: serious sappieness ahead. another warning: suicidal thoughts near the end.

Lullaby: [PG-13] First apathetic attempt. I was informed that all fan-fic writers write one of these.