Characters - Provides information on the characters' thinking
and stuff
Fate - What happened to the characters after the "End
of Evangelion" movie
Angels - Detailed info on the so-called angels or "shi-tu"
they call it
Angels2 - Detailed info on the so-called angels or "shi-tu"
they call it (Page 2)
EoE - The End of Evangelion
EoE2 - The End of Evangelion (Page 2)
TV - FAQ on the TV Series itself . kinda screwed up .
TV 2 - FAQ on the TV Series itself . (Page2)
I think I have some clarification to do. Those information
on this page are all ripped. I didn't do 90% of them.
Basically I combined the works of others and put it put
there. Sorry. I just didn't have the time to really go
do research.
By the way, some people say that eva is a fantastic anime.
Some people say that its satanic cause they mention stuff
like Adam, Lilth, Hrmm the dead sea scrolls and the tree
of life. I'm not a Christian so I don't know how much
of it is fake or whatever. But I think that this anime
is definitely better than those TCS 8 drama serial that
I always watch. For 1 thing, eva's plot is perfect. Get
it ? PERFECT .
Oh yah, and er.. Ayanami is chio. =)