
Kochzius, M. (1996): Spatio-temporal patterns of fish fauna in a seagrass meadow located between two coral communities in Malatapay, Negros Oriental, Philppines. Proceedings of the 27th FIMFS Annual Convention, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, 1995. Sotto, F.B.; Young, J.G. & Freire, F.M., eds. Cebu City: University of San Carlos, 1996: 55-70 

Kochzius, M. (1997): Length-weight relationship of fishes from a seagrass meadow in Negros Oriental, Philippines. NAGA, the ICLARM quarterly, July-December 1997: 64-65 (pdf file 508KB)

Kochzius, M. (1999): Interrelation of ichthyofauna from a seagrass meadow and coral reef in the Philippines. Proceedings of the 5th International Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Nouméa, 1997. Séret B. & J.-Y. Sire, eds. Paris: Soc. Fr. Ichthyol., 1999: 517-535 (abstract; pdf file 2.69MB)
Proceedings of the 5th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference can be ordered from the  Société Française d'Ichtyologie, Paris

Kochzius, M. (in press): Die Korallenriffe Neukaledoniens. Bremer Geographische Blätter 2 (abstract)

Khalaf M.A., Kochzius M. (in press) Community structure and biogeography of shore fishes in the Gulf of Aqaba. Helgoland Marine Research

Khalaf M.A., Kochzius M. (accepted) Changes in trophic community structure of shore fishes at an industrial site in the Gulf of Aqaba. Marine Ecology Progress Series

FishBase 1999/2000 Collaborator: UW pictures and L-W relationship of  Indo-Pacific Coral Reef Fish


10/95 Oral Presentation: "Spatio-temporal patterns of fish fauna in a seagrass meadow located between two coral communities in Malatapay, Negros Oriental, Philppines". 27th FIMFS (Federation of Institutions for Marine and Freshwater Science) Annual Convention, San Carlos University, Cebu, Philippines
11/97 Oral Presentation: "Interrelation of ichthyofauna from a seagrass meadow and coral reef in the Philippines" (abstract; pdf file 2.69MB
Poster: "Fishing or counting? A comparison of beach seining and visual census in a seagrass meadow" (abstract
5th International Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Nouméa, New Caledonia; Participation funded by "Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschfaft".
Oral Presentation: "Die Fischer von Malatapay - Kleinfischerei auf den Philippinen" (Fisherfolks of Malatapay - Small scale Fishery in the Philippines), 
Eastasian Society Bremen, Germany 
German Museum for Oceanography, Stralsund, Germany
01/00 Oral Presentation: "Die Koralleninseln Neu Kaledoniens (The coral islands of New Caledonia)" (abstract)
Overseas Museum Bremen, Germany
06/00 "Tropical Indo-Pacific Fish Larvae" Lecture during the Red Sea Program course "Identification of Red Sea Organisms", Marine Science Station (MSS), Aqaba, Jordan
10/00 Oral Presentation: "Structure and socioeconomy of artisanal coral reef fishery in a Philippine coastal community" (abstract
Oral Presentation: "Fish communities on Jordanian coral reefs and adjacent shallow water habitats in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea" (abstract) (with Dr. M.A. Khalaf
9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia; Participation funded by "Adam Haker Fond / Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft"
02/01 Oral Presentation: "Riff kaputt?! Ein Situationsbericht aus den Tourismuszentren am nördlichen Roten Meer und Golf von Aqaba" (Reef destroyed?! The situation in touristic centres of the northern Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba) (abstract in German; English)
14. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, Bremen, Germany
09/01 Oral Presentation: "Molecular systematics and biogeography of the lionfishes  (Scorpaenidae: subfamily Pteroinae) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA sequences" (abstract) (with R. Söller, M.A. Khalaf, U. Aktani, D. Blohm)
3,5 Milliarden Jahre Biodiversität. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft und der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, Oldenburg, Germany

© Marc Kochzius

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